Ms. Maria Mourani, MP of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada
From the refugees of Southern Kyrgyzstan, currently living in the Republic of Tadjikistan
Dear Ms. Maria Mourani,
We express our deepest gratitude for your stand you take towards the Uzbek Genocide by the Kyrgyz nationalists that took place last summer in the southern Kyrgyzstan, and your speech on the bloody events made on the Parliament of Canada where you call for the independent investigation of the events, ensuring human rights and stopping the violence.
We are, the group of refugees from the Southern Kyrgyzstan, consisted of 9 families (49 people in total) who for forced to leave their homeland after the second genocide against Uzbek people that has been ruled by the Kyrgyz nationalists that was supported by the head of the country, came to the Republic of Tadjikistan. After all the necessary procedures, on January 14, 2011 we all were granted the refugee status and registered by the UNHCR.
Children and women, including the pregnant, are the main part of the refugees. They witnessed shootings and slaughtering of peaceful people, saw burnt corpses; they still have psychological problems. We all are living in a very hard conditions.
It’s the known fact that, country’s some leaders are trying hard to hide their fault play and blame Uzbeks for the massacre while Uzbeks are the victims of those events. We don’t want our people grow up in the atmosphere of national hatred, or became the victims of the next attacks of the Kyrgyz nationalists. We want our children to grow up in normal conditions and be useful people of the society.
Proceeding from the abovementioned, we do our earnest request asking your assistance in the expeditious consideration of our refugee claims and urgently settling us in Canada.
We know you as a kind person who is well informed on the realities of our vulnerable condition. It’s a well known fact that Canada is a one of humanist countries in the world which receives a huge amount of immigrants and refugees. We’d like to be among those refugees who immigrated to Canada and successfully were integrated to the Canadian society.
We sincerely hope on your sympathy and your assistance in the organizing our expeditious immigration to Canada.
Attached the list of refugees from Osh, Kyrgyzstan in Tadjikistan.
The best regards,
Group of refugees from the Southern Kyrgyzstan.
• Contact person in Tadjikistan: Karimov Khabibullo
• Tel: +992-917700810 +992-904175028
• E-mail:
March 29th, 2011
Attachment № 1
List of refugees from Osh (Kyrgyzstan) inTadjikistan
№ NAME Dateofbirth Sex № of certificate Note
1. Karimov Khabibulla 1960 M 0008199 Head of family
2. Mahmadshoeva Sayniso 1981 F – Wife
3. Karimov Abdulboriy 1998 M – Son
4. Karimova Mukhayyo 1999 F – Daughter
5. Karimov Abdulhodi 2002 M – Son
6. Karimov Abdusalom 2004 M – Son
7. Karimov Abdulbosit 1995 M – Son
8. Mavlianhodjaeva Barno 1967 F 0008002 Head of family
9. Karimov Rakhmatillo 1991 M – Son
10. Karimov Khikmatillo 1994 M – Son
11. Karimova Mukhtaram 1996 F – Daughter
12. Karimova Surayyokhon 2000 F – Daughter
13. Kasimov Rakhimzhan 1954 M 0008195 Head of family
14. Khasanova Barno 1986 F – Wife
15. Kasimov Saidabdurakhmon 1996 M – Son
16. Kasimov Shokhmukhammad 1998 M – Son
17. Kasimova Sazhida 2004 F – Daughter
18. Kasimov Fatkhullo 2005 M – Son
19. Usmanov Makhamadamin 1955 M 0008198 Head of family
20. Usmanova Munazzafa 1957 F – Wife
21. Usmanova Khusno 1988 F – Daughter
22. Rasulova Dilorom 1982 F – Daughter-in law
23. Usmanova Mufazala 2002 F – Granddaughter
24. Usmanov Abdulaziz 2004 M – Grandson
25. Usmanov Nodir 1984 M 0008197 Head of family
26. Naimova Mokhigul 1983 F – Wife
27. Usmanova Zulaykho 2004 F – Daughter
28. Usmanova Khanifa 2008 F – Daughter
29. Usmanov Mukhsin 1985 M 0008198 Head of family
30. Imomitdinova Zulfiya 1986 F – Wife
31. Usmanova Anisa 2008 F – Daughter
32. Usmanova Safiya 2010 F – Daughter
33. Aiupov Nizamidin 1966 M 0008194 Head of family
34. Aiupova Turgunpasha 1937 F – Mother
35. Aiupova Adinahan 1968 F – Wife
36. Aiupov Abdullokh 1992 M – Son
37. Aiupov Ismailzhan 1994 M – Son
38. Aiupova Oishakhon 1995 F – Daughter
39. Aiupov Salokhiddin 1997 M – Son
40. Aiupova Rukiyyakhon 2003 F – Daughter
41. Masardinova Fotima 1977 F 0008191 Head of family
42. Ayupov Yusufkhon 1997 M Son
43. Ayupov Umarjon 1999 M – Son
44. Ayupov Ibrokhim 2004 M – Son
45. Ayupov Usmon 2010 M – Son
46. Isamidinov Akmaldin 1973 M 0008190 Head of family
47. Isamidinova Mavluda 1976 F – Wife
48. Akmaldin ugli Nurmukhammat 1995 M – Son
49. Akmaldin kizi Makhidilkhon 1997 F – Daughter