Petition for the of political prosoners in Uzbekistan

Dear Sir, Madame

We appeal to the citizens, civil society organizations and governments of free Europe to support and sign our petition for the release of political prisoners in Uzbekistan.

We are convinced that under the established brutal authoritarian political regime of Uzbekistan the only hope for the release of political prisoners is the political pressure on Uzbek authorities by the free countries of Europe, its citizens, public organizations and governments.

Before signing the petition, we would like each of you, each organization and government clearly and fully understand the situation that has been formed in our country after the tragic events in Andijan, where hundreds of peaceful demonstrators, among them women and children, were shot dead by the government forces. The purpose of this massacre was not only to suppress the growing protest among the people, but also:

– Further expulsion of all Western institutions from the territory of Uzbekistan :organizations, foundations supporting human rights and democratic reforms and independent media, leaving only a few embassies and business organizations in the country;

– Using its geopolitical location and blackmailing the West to have favorable relationship with Western countries of NATO, participants of the Afghan conflict.

The Uzbek authorities achieved its goals: a fragile civil society in the country is uprooted and utterly destroyed, the people are intimidated, the EU sanctions imposed in 2005 are lifted, the country expelled all western human rights and democratic institutions and the mass media.

Thus, only handful dare to speak about human rights problems and victims of the regime, particularly political prisoners in Uzbekistan. The West could not resist an attack of a small authoritarian state, which has an easy way for withdrawing military equipment from Afghanistan, and … retreated.

“Human rights activists from Tashkent were unable to submit a letter to the OSCE Project Coordinator in Tashkent with a request to help release Karakalpak journalist Salijon Abdurahmanov. “We were not even allowed to enter this office,” said Elena Urlayeva, leader of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan (HRAU) during her visit to the OSCE Centre in Tashkent on 22 February. The guard could not accept the letter because the OSCE mission in Uzbekistan “closed its human rights programme” in 2006. This information was published on the website on February 25, 2013.

During the year of 2011 many people in Uzbekistan were waiting for so-called “golden amnesty” to mark the 20th anniversary of country’s independence. It was implemented in such authoritarian neighboring countries, such as Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, but it did not take place in Uzbekistan!On December 5, 2012, the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced a wide-scale Amnesty system across the country. However, not a single political prisoner was released during 2011- 2012.

Mamadali Makhmudov, a writer and democrat, born in 1940, was persecuted for his work during the Soviet Era, but then he escaped imprisonment. During the years of independence, the Uzbek authorities sent him to prison twice: for 4 years in 1994 and for 14 years in 1999. Although, sentence of Mamadali Makhmudov ended on February 19, 2013 and there is still one week until the end of amnesty, he is still in prison.

The name of Mamadali Makhmudov is well-known in France, as his book “The Immortal rocks” was translated into French by Mr. Phillipe Frison. As we know, PEN International has been tirelessly struggling for Mr. Makhmudov’s liberation.

Murod Juraev, born in 1952, former mayor of Muborak coty (Kashkadarya region), former member of the parliament of Uzbekistan, a member of the opposition party “Erk” (Freedom), who published opposition newspaper “Erk”, still remains in custody since June 18, 1994 and he was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

On April 13, 2002, and on May 30, 2006, the authorities opened criminal cases against Murod Juraev under the article 221 (Disobedience to legitimate orders of administration of institution of execution of penalty) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan and his sentence was extended twice.

Azam Farmonov and Azam Turgunov, two bright representatives of the human rights movement in Uzbekistan, were sentenced to 9 and 10 years in prison, respectively, under the article 165 (Extortion) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan.

This “duty article” is often used against human rights defenders and journalists. Authorities used this article to persecute many human rights defenders, such as Mutabar Tadjibayeva, Norboy Kholzhigitov, Habibullah Akpulatov, Ganikhon Mamathonov, Dilmurod Sayyidov, Shodi Mardiev, Mamadali Karabayev, adding more charges against them on the course of “investigation”.

Both human rights defenders are still in prison and amnesties were not applied to them. Each time amnesty is announced, the administration of prison secretly includes a note about the “violation of internal regulations” into their prison record. For example, Azam Farmonov was to be released from detention under an amnesty announced on December 5, 2012.

He told his wife Ozoda Yakubova, who visited him on December 14, that his last “violation” was recorded on November 2011. On December 10, 2012, Yakubova sent a letter to the General Agency for Punishments Execution (GUIN), where she indicated that her husband was fully eligible for the amnesty announced. However, GUIN responded stating that Azam Farmonov was not subject to amnesty, as he violated the prison norms.

Unfortunately, in this petition we cannot list all the prisoners of conscience, people arrested and convicted for their religious beliefs. There a lot of them, tens of thousands. The Uzbek government has created special concentration camps for them. These prisoners need our help!

We believe in free Europe, its free citizens, brave human rights defenders and wise policy makers. We believe in government leaders, who in their hearts, truly hate violent regimes of injustice and desire to help political prisoners.

We urge you:




Mutabar Tadjibayeva
President of the “Burning Hearts Club” human rights organization.
Awards: “Martin Ennals Award”,
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize, France,
“Award for International Women of Courage”, USA.
Tel.: (mob): +33 679233927; (office) +33 950147243

Talib Yakubov
Vice-President of the Human Rights
Society of Uzbekistan, Angers, France.
Tel.: +33 241667961 E-mail:

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