Writer Mamadali Mahmoudov freed from prison

On April 19, 2012, Uzbek authorities released the famous writer Mamadali Makhmudov from prison. The writer, familiar to readers under the pseudonym Evril Turon, for many years leaded the list of Uzbek political prisoners.

Wife of the writer, Gulsara Makhmudova, also confirmed the news about the release of the political prisoner, which has been published by many online media covering events in Uzbekistan.

Eager to ask many questions, “Jarayon” called Mamadali Mahmudov, but the interview did not happen as the writer was having a rest at home.

Human rights activists, who visited Mamadali Makhmudov at his home immediately after his release, say that those many years he spent in prison had a very negative impact on his health.

72-year-old Mamadali Makhmudov was accused of involvement in the bombings that happened in Tashkent on February 16, 1999, and was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

However, Makhmudov, who was charged with attempting to overthrow the constitutional order in the country, and insulting the president, completely denied the charges. He later said he had been subject to torture while in custody.

Mamadali Makhmudov, who was an active member of the opposition Democratic Party “Erk” (Freedom), is known not only as a freedom fighter, but as a prominent Uzbek, author of historical novel “The Immortal Rocks”, “Wolf from Bogdon” and other works.

On April 8, relatives of Mamadali Mahmudov told to media that the court of Gazalkent district of Tashkent region charged the writer with committing an offence provided in the Article 221 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan – “Disobedience to lawful orders of the administration of penal institutions”, and added three years to his sentence. Fortunately, after several days Mamadali Mahmoudov was suddenly released from prison.

The head of the International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club”, Mutabar Tajibaeva, says that the release of Mamadali Makhmudov pleased all the rights activists and opposition in Uzbekistan.

According to Tajibaeva, Mamadali Mahmoudov is one of those few activists, who, despite many years spent in prison and ill treatment he received there, did not change his beliefs.

– I congratulate Mamadali Makhmudov with his release. This is a big win. I believe that his release is a result of the struggle that is being waged against the dictatorial regime in Uzbekistan. His release gives us even more hope that we need to continue fighting for the release of the rest of our colleagues, who are kept in prison in Uzbekistan. I hope that the international organizations will provide both financial and moral help to Mamadali Mahmudov, who for many years served his sentence in harsh conditions and lost his health, – says Mutabar Tajibaeva.

Meanwhile, Solijon Abdurahmonov, Muhammad Bekzhan, Azam Farmonov, Mehriniso Hamdamova, Zulhumor Hamdamova, Isroiljon Kholdarov, Nasim Isokov, Gaibullo Jalilov, Abdurasul Khudoinazarov, Erkin Kuziev, Ganikhon Mamatkhanov, Zafarzhon Rakhimov, Yuldash Rasulov Dilmurod Sayyid, Azam Turgunov, all recognized by international organizations as prisoners of conscience, are still being kept in Uzbek prisons.

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