Situation in Osh and Jalalabad is still alarming

The bloody events of June 10-14, 2010, happened in Osh and Jalalabad, southern regions of Kyrgyzstan, by their cruelty and ruthlessness, definitely entered the history of inhuman events of our time.

During those days, hundreds of people, including infants, children, women and old people, were killed based on their ethnic backgrounds. Modern humanity has witnessed the burning people alive. In the era of globalization and informationalism, all these atrocities, genetically not inherent to the normal person, were recorded on millions of digital data holders, and were shown globally.

These events were a turning point in the minds of millions of people in Central Asia, but so far this consciousness does not find ways to express itself. This historical crime, according to the cold-blooded and well-documented research and international experts, has been qualified as a “crime against humanity.”

Three years have passed since those horrific events, however, the situation in southern Kyrgyzstan remains extremely worrying. Perpetrators, both participants and executors, as well as the instigators of these events have not been punished. The situation has been settled only by suppressing the voices of the victims of those events. According to international practice, in such situations, a mandatory process of reconciliation starts between the parties. The process of “reconciliation” usually includes all the points that have contributed to the causes of conflict / crime, and offers a program of solutions. The obligatory point of the process of reconciliation is the punishment of the perpetrators, the murderers of peaceful and innocent civilians.

Over the past three years, dozens of international organizations, hundreds of experts and representatives of many states have been monitoring the situation in Osh and Jalalabad. However, today, no international organization or trustworthy expert can tell about the presence of reconciliation process between the parties in Osh and Jalalabad.

In addition, the independent media keeps reporting about stories that cause increased concern that southern Kyrgyzstan still preserves risks of repeating the bloody events of 2010. Ethnic minorities in southern Kyrgyzstan live under permanent fear, they feel powerless, deprived of human dignity and subject to constant humiliation. To attentive observers these statements represent only the dry facts that take place in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Over the past three years media have been highlighting countless cases of lawlessness and humiliation against ethnic minorities in the south of Kyrgyzstan, and it is impossible to enumerate all of them.

To date, Osh and Jalalabad is in depressing situation, where peace and order is seen on surface, but cases of humiliation of citizens on the basis of ethnicity is still continuing, and individual cases of humiliation are happening permanently.

International human rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” is closely monitoring the current situation in southern Kyrgyzstan and expresses its concerns related to the lack of real process of reconciliation between the parties, and calls on the international community to make every effort not to repeat the bloody events of June 2010, which led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians.

The international human rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club”

Paris, France


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