Uzbek human rights activists state that annually, hundreds of people become victims of torture, and most of them die in Uzbekistan’s prisons.
The initiative group “For Life without Torture” was organized following an initiative of three families, torture victims from Uzbekistan: the Tadjibayevs from France, the Ortikovs from the U.S.A and the Ruzievs from Holland.
The Group will operate under “Fiery Hearts Club” International Human Rights Organization. They timed the establishment of the group to 24 March, the International Day of the Right to Truth about Gross Human Rights Violations and Dignity of Victims.
This day in the calendar was chosen in honor of Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez, an Archbishop of San Salvador. Monsignor Romero spoke out against poverty, social inequality, homicide and torture. Supporters of radical movements attacked the archbishop for his views; in the end he was killed on March 24, 1980.
Representatives of the United Nations have recognized value and importance of the work conducted by Oscar Romero, and decided to set a new date on the day the Archbishop was killed.
“Given the values defended by Monsignor Romero, his devotion to service of the humanity, his repeated calls for dialogue and rejection of all forms of violence, it is offered to all UN Member States and international organizations to properly celebrate this International Day,” a General Assembly resolution said.
In the first place, the International Day is held in order to commemorate victims of gross and systematic violations of human rights, and to remind about importance of the right to truth and justice. In addition, activities are conducted on this day to pay tribute to those, who have dedicated their lives to fight for human rights or those, who were killed in such struggle.
The initiative group “For Life without Torture”is considered one of the branches of “Fiery Hearts Club” International Human Rights Organization. The initiative group will conduct its activities in accordance with mission of the latter.
The initiative group “For Life without Torture”has the following objectives:
– to establish contacts with torture and violence victims, to conduct negotiations with them in order to disclose tortures applied against them, to gather torture information, to prepare torture materials for further publication on the Internet, including Jarayon’s website;
– to ensuring participation of torture victims in activities of the group;
– to organize personal presence of torture victims at international conferences on the human rights situation in Uzbekistan;
– to organize legal, psychological and material assistance for victims of torture.
– to ensure active participation of representatives of the Initiative Group in all activities of the “Fiery Hearts Club”International Human Rights Organization.
The initiative group “For Life without Torture”