In prison health of Murod Juraev has deteriorated

Kholbika Juraeva, the political prisoner’s wife, told Jarayon about it.

According to the wife of a political prisoner, a former member of Uzbek Parliament Murod Juraev, Kholbika Juraeva, in mid-mid-November of this year 2014 she was able to go on a long meeting with her husband in colony # UA 64/06, which is located in Chirchik city of Tashkent region.

The woman tearfully told reporters of our website, that in prison health of Murod Juraev has deteriorated.

“He constantly belches, and almost can not eat. After severe regurgitation he can only drink soup,” says Kholbika Juraeva.

Recall, after visiting the husband in colony Murod Juraev’s wife told the press, that her husband’s teeth fell out, and because of that he can not eat solid food, and the prison administration does not render him adequate medical care.

“Recently my husband found on his bladder the lump the size of an egg. But he afraid to show it to the prison doctors, because he do not believe, that in cases of surgery, he will survive. However, the pain is still very strong. Despite the fact, that he was 62 years old, he still sleeps on the top shelf of the shponk (bed where prisoners sleep – “Jarayon”s note).Although older prisoners, those who have poor health and who are serving long sentences, have to sleep on the bottom shelf of the shponk. My husband says that every time rises to his loft, he feels a strong cutting pain in the bladder. Knowing the dire state of my husband, the prison administration is deliberately trying to cause him discomfort”, says Kholbika Juraeva.

According to her, the situation in colony # UA 64/06 in Chirchik is very difficult.

“In barracks leaking pipes and therefore there is very cold. The colony administration makes after breakfast and before lunch forced prisoners to walk on the territory of the colony. Special prosecutor to oversee compliance with the law in prisons is not coming to the colony, not for the rights of prisoners, наборслов.The prison administration does not think even about heating the hotel for long visits with relatives of prisoners. Condition my husband deteriorated due to a terrible cold in the hotel room. Only after my call the next day they began dating heat our room”, says Kholbika Juraeva.

In a conversation with “Jarayon” the woman says, that Murod Juraev does not believe in his release from prison, as the prison administration does not hide from him, that he is in the “black list” of the Uzbek authorities.

“My husband told me, that last year, according to the decree of amnesty in prison interviewed with 57 prisoners convicted for their religious beliefs. After only 8 of these people were released under an amnesty, the remaining 49 were denied. This year, after the amnesty 68 religious prisoners in jail had a conversation with the 62 prisoners. But my husband says that it is not known how many of them will be released.

When my husband turned to those who carried out this interview with the prisoners to learn about his chances of an amnesty, they replied: “Well, you know, that will be held under special supervision”, and refused to hold a conversation with him”, said Kholbika Juraeva and added, that five months ago in relation Murod Juraev been issued three violations, that have not yet been removed from it.

“It is obvious, that this year my husband will lose the opportunity to take advantage of the amnesty”, said Kholbika Juraeva.

Former member of the Uzbek Parliament Murod Juraev was arrested on 18 September, 1994 charged with attempts to overthrow the government. In March 1995, he was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment.

The Uzbek authorities extended Murod Juraev’s prison term under various pretexts three times when he was about to be released from the prison. And every time it happened when before his release from prison had very little time. Every time the colony administration imposes the same charge – “violation of the internal order of the colony”.

Authoritative international human rights organizations included Murod Juraev on the list of political prisoners kept in the country’s prisons for long and exposed to severe psychological and physical violence.


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