Dear, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon!
And experts of the UN Committee against Torture
I’m the head of the People’s movement «Alga Karakalpakstan»AmanSagidullaev. Please pay attention to the persecution of civil society in Karakalpakstan by Special Service of Uzbekistan. We are citizens of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as we pursue (Article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan).
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former Karakalpak ASSR gained freedom and sovereignty. 14th December 1990 was adopted by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Declaration «On Independence», and on 9 April 1993, adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Parliamentary Karakalpakstan inJanuary 9, 1993 for a period of 20 years became part of Uzbekistan, according to the intergovernmental agreement between Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. The term interstate agreement between Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstanexpired inJanuary 9, 2013, and a new contract has not prepared yet. Today the Parliamentary Republic of Karakalpakstan has the right to determine its destinyaccording to the Constitution, and Article 74 of the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan says so.
We can carry out the democratic way of development and the principle of parliamentaryin the Republic of Karakalpakstan, we need the support of the international community, UN and the OSCE. «Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom of your own, or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief through teaching, practice, worship and celebration.» (Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights — UN).
Unfortunately, the ruling elite and the leaders ofKarakalpakstanisunder the control of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan. They cannot make their own decisions. They cannot go freely from Uzbekistan without the permission of the President of Uzbekistan. They are afraid for their lives and safety of their family members. Because their children and relatives were arrested, and Tashkent has shown what will happen to those who go against the Karimov regime!
Meanwhile, Uzbekistan’s Constitution, Article 75 says that the differences between Karakalpakstan and Uzbekistan solved through dialogue, and today Tashkent is not ready to dialogue and democratic change. No parties in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the so-called public associations and parties. It branches Party of Uzbekistan and they do not represent the interests of the Karakalpak people.
Civil society activists face threats and pressure from the Uzbek National Security Service and local authorities on the instructions from Tashkent. Similar problems faced by many other Karakalpak families. Sterilization of Karakalpak women, forced labor of teachers, doctors, students and building on cotton, the pursuit of civil society along ethnic and religious grounds has become a weapon against the people of Uzbekistan’s National Security Service of Karakalpakstan. How can we will defend their rights to exist in peace, if Uzbekistan uses administrative pressure against us, violence and SpecialService?
I appeal to you, Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations!!! In Helping to stop the massacre of innocent people!
In Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan there is no law, no justice in judicial decisions. Complaints, Grievances are not accepted or ignored by the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court of Karakalpakstan. The problems of our people are silenced. Around the republic established a regime of information blockade. Those who spoke on the situation of the Karakalpak people and the rights of victims of persecution, they call «the enemy of Uzbekistan.»
There is a planned destruction of Karakalpak activists. In 2013-2014, in Uzbek prisons 4 people died. More than 24 convicted in the case shymbayskih events of 2010 are contained in the Uzbek prisons in deplorable conditions. They were accused by false encroachment on the constitutional order of Uzbekistan. Among those convicted of shymbayskomu case, there is the son of the first President of the Republic of KarakalpakstanBakhtiarShamshetov andnow he is in colony in Navoi region of Uzbekistan.
Head of «Alga Karakalpakstan» in NukusAbatSaekeevis also convicted and he is in jail Zhaslyq. Dissident DauletbaevMakhambetov, a graduate of Moscow State University and a patriot of the Karakalpakpeople was accused of economic crimes, but in fact he was persecuted because he wanted me to organize a Popular Movement in Karakalpakstan. Where he is sitting and that with him, we do not know. His wife and his daughter in fear, they do not say in what prison ofUzbekistanhe is.
In prisons of Karakalpakstan andUzbekistan sit a few thousand people. Of these, the journalist Abdirahman Salizhan, Abat Saekeev, Bakhtiyar Shamshetov, Dauletbaev Makhambetov, businessmen Sanet consolation, Elbrus Auezov, statesmen Azat Sayymbetov, Hudaibergen Aimanov, Saparniyaz Allaniyazov, Orazbai Paluanov and others. In 2013-2014, in Uzbekistan’s prisons have died IsmetMakset, Idrisov Abdiganii Alik Auezov, Konyratbay Allaniyazov.
The fate of these people requires special attention from human rights groups and international organizations.
The political situation in Uzbekistan, especially in Karakalpakstan requires special attention. Today, under the guise of an environmental disaster in the Aral Sea region, the Uzbek authorities for economic gain forget the fate of the Karakalpak people. In fact, the problem of Karakalpakstan and its people to self-determination linked. Karakalpakstan has huge bowels around the Aral Sea. There is oil and gas production, and sales by the companies in Uzbekistan.
The question arises if the budget of Republic of Karakalpakstan is 160-200 million US dollars, And Karakalpak gas and oil sold for several billion US dollars, Then there are the right question, where is the currency of Karakalpakstan? And Uzbekistan receives from international lenders at the expense of the Aral Fund billions Euros. No! Never! I did not think, why so much money for the Aral Sea Fund.
To fund the Aral Sea in Karakalpakstan we don’t need so much money. First of all it needs the right amount and distribution of water in the Amu Darya river and Sir Darya. This requires international attention and monitoring water flow in the rivers of the Aral region and expenditure of funds allocated by international donors, and to conduct a fee for excess use of water in the region.
We are against the allocation of funds to fund the Aral Sea, because the money did not reach the Karakalpakstan and even no for Saving the Aral Sea. The fund is under the control of Tashkent and there is theft of the fund. On this ecological problems of the Aral region requires first being fair to the people and then the fair distribution of funds for the needs and specific problems.
Please pay attention to the problem in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
1) On the fate of political prisoners in the Republic of Karakalpakstan Karakalpak journalist Salizhan Abdirahmanova dissident Abat Saevkeeva, Dauletbaya Makhambetova, Bakhtiyar Shamshetov, Oteshova Sanetulla. Their criminal affairs fabricated by SNB of Uzbekistan.
2) January 9, 1993 between leaders Republic Uzbekistan and Republic Karakalpakstan It was signed Interstate agreement «On entry Republic Karakalpakstan in structure Uzbekistan period for 20 years.»The term of this agreement expired. New agreement does not exist!!! Please draw attention to the legitimacy of the location as part of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan after the expiry of January 9, 2013.
3) Kara-Kalpak people have millennial history. His culture, history, language, is in danger. Policy of Uzbekistan in sterilization Karakalpak women, politics Assimilation Karakalpak will lead to disappearance ofKarakalpaks as a nation. Cultural values under the pretext of study take out from Archives in Tashkent and they are destroyed. Therefore, we appeal personally to you! Please adopt Republic of Karakalpakstan and Karakalpak Nation (Karakalpak people) as a new state of the United Nations.
4) Please help to close colony UA 64/71 «Zhaslyq» as a hotbed of violence against humanity and the political prisoners in Uzbekistan.
5) To assist the determination of the quota of the Amu Darya water to residents of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan is separate.
6) We ask your assistance removing the political, economic and information blockade by Uzbekistan and the withdrawal of military, intelligence agencies of Uzbekistan from the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
7) We ask your cooperation to meet the requirement of the Constitution, Article 74 of the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Article 1.
8) Please take under the supervision of compliance with the law, the agreement between Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan for the international norm.
9) Go against occupation and annexation of the territories of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Today, the integrity of the territory of Karakalpakstan is in danger. In 1949 he was transferred to the territory of Uzbekistan Karakalpakystan Tamdynskiy , Kanimehskiy, Zaravshanskiy, Ushkuduhskiy, Nutatanskiy areas, and 2005 decision of President Uzbekistan Karimov transmitted part of Karakalpakstan Shumanay territory area in structure neighboring Turkmenistan. It solution President Uzbekistan contrary Constitution Republic Uzbekistan, Article 73 and Constitution Republic Karakalpakstan, Article 3.
Therefore, there is intensification of democratic demands in the youth and Karakalpak intellectuals.
The fate of the civil society activists in Karakalpakstan in danger, they were persecuted in Karakalpakstan by SNB of Uzbekistan. They were interrogated, tortured, threatened, and put forward groundless accusations. There were appeal letters and statements to the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Minister of Justice of Uzbekistan, but they still do not have an answer. What changed? In fact, nothing!
Similar problems faced by many other Karakalpak families.
I appeal to you personally!!! Help stop the massacre of innocent people in Karakalpakstan! And in connection with the June 12, 2015 trip to Uzbekistan at a meeting with President of Uzbekistan, IA Karimov, please ask for the release of political prisoners and journalists of Karkalpakstan Salizhan Abdirahmanova, AbatSaekeeva civic activists, Bakhtiyar Shamshetov, Dauletbaya Makhambetova, business Sanet Uteshova, Elbrus Auezov humane considerations.
In conclusion, IamAmanSagidullaev not Islamist and not a terrorist or a criminal. «Alga Karakalpakstan» is not against Uzbekistan and Uzbek people! I remind you that we are the citizens of a sovereign Karakalpakstan and not slaves of the Karimov regime. While there is no dialogue, there is no freedom of speech and free elections in Karakalpakstan. We are members of the People’s movement «Alga Karakalpakstan», we will demand the implementation of the constitutional norms.
We demand of the constitutionally guaranteed referendum on the future of our country!
We demand the secret publicity of an international agreement between Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan in 1993, bringing the relations between Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan in accordance with international law! No — the colonial regime, the occupation and annexation of the territory of Karakalpakstan Karimov’s dictatorship!
We are ready for dialogue with the participation of the UN and the OSCE. We want democratic changes and good neighborly relations, and demand respect for the rights of the people of Karakalpakstan. I Assume Uzbek authorities comply with the requirements of the Constitution and the Constitution of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan. Karimov, stop persecuting us and threaten the false accusations.
Respect the right of the people of Karakalpakstan, stop interfering in the internal affairs of our country. Karimov, stop the appointment of cadres from Tashkent. Karimov and the Uzbek secret police officers should leave the territory of Karakalpakstan. How much you can intimidate and keep the people in fear, Karimov ?! The people of the Republic of Karakalpakstan have the right to live freely and determine their own destiny.
I am ready to answer all your questions.
My contacts: e-mail:
Sincerely Aman Sagidullaev