Judicial Framework And Independence:
In October, the UN Human Rights Committee ruled that Uzbekistan is obligated to investigate the claims of exiled activist Mutabar Tadjibayeva, who says authorities in Uzbekistan arrested and tortured her repeatedly from 2002 to 2009, violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Uzbekistan acceded to in 1995.[51] In their decision, the UN committee wrote that, “instead of providing detailed information and explanations to the Committee in refutation, the State party [Uzbekistan] accused the author [Tadjibayeva] of having presented ‘invented and biased’ allegations.” Uzbekistan state officials have shown no intention of following through with the UN’s request for an investigation of Tadjibayeva’s injuries, which include forced sterilization, wounds and trauma from torture and gang rape, and memory loss.
[51] Catherine Putz, “UN Committee Obliges Uzbekistan to Investigate Accusations of Torture,” The Diplomat, 9 October 2015, http://thediplomat.com/2015/10/un-committee-obliges-uzbekistan-to-invest…
UN Committee Obliges Uzbekistan to Investigate Accusations of Torture