Category Archives: Human Rights

Independent journalist Sergey Naumov released

However, human rights activists fear that in Uzbek authorities may begin a criminal prosecution against independent journalist.

On Thursday, October 3, mass media reported that an independent journalist from Urgench, Sergey Naumov, was released after serving twelve days of administrative arrest.

On the night of October 3, “Jarayon” was able to reach Sergey Naumov via the phone. In a brief interview with our reporter, he was able to report the following:

2013 OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Working sessions 8 and 9, specifically selected topic: Freedom of association and assembly

Friday 27 September 2013

Written statement by International Partnership for Human Rights together with the Human RightsCenter Viasna, the Human Rights Club, the International Human Rights Organization Fiery Hearts Club, Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, Nota Bene, Public Verdict Foundation, Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights and the Voice of Freedom Foundation.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Hypocrisy of official Tashkent

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” – reads the article number 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Uzbekistan joined in September 1991.

To date, Uzbekistan has ratified 70 international instruments on human rights. In official media, in briefings, in public speeches of the leadership of the country, in reports to the UPR on the sessions of the Human Rights Council – the official Tashkent has always been claiming about the ongoing reforms in the country related to human rights issues.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: The space of lawlessness

MTo Ambassador of Sweden, Mr.Åke Peterson

Dear Mr.Peterson,

Allow me to pay my respect and honor, as well as to express my appreciation for your contribution to the protection of human rights. International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club” expresses its sincere appreciation for your interest in the public discussion of the state of human rights in Uzbekistan. We hope that visiting Uzbekistan you will get a lot of unforgettable experiences.

Statement of the Women’s coalition to protect the rights of labor migrants in Russia

We the undersigned, representing the civil society of Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, express our deep concern over the recent actions of the Russian authorities towards migrant workers from Central Asia.

In recent weeks the following actions have been reported: raids targeting people of foreign appearance in Moscow, which have seen more than one thousand people arrested; the creation of a supposedly temporary camp in Golyanovo for these detained migrants; and an announcement by the Federal Migration Service on a plan to set up 83 such camps for illegal migrants.

“Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward”

The Secretary-GenerAL message on international Youth Day.

This year’s observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration. Of the annual total of some 214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Hostages of big politics

To: Mr.Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;

Ms.Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights;

Mr.Konstantin Romodanovskiy, Head of the Federal Migration Service;

Mr.Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;

Mr.Ziyadulla Pulathodzhaev, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation;

Human rights organizations and the media.

Dear Sirs,

The entire world community has witnessed the incident, which happened on July 27, 2013, near the market Matveevskiy in Moscow, when a Russian citizen Magomed Rasulov with his relatives and friends obstructed law enforcement officers of the capital city when taking operational measures to arrest the alleged offender (video of the incident can been found here – / watch? feature = player_embedded & v = pi11DGmh6dk).

After this incident, one of the field officers of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Captain Anton Kudryashov, was hospitalized with a head injury.

Vitaly Ponomarev: Kidnappings of refugees must be investigated and the perpetrators punished

Two Uzbek refugeeswent missing in the territory of Kirov district of Makhachkalaon July 13, 2013.

Missing refugees – 23-year-old Alisher Fazilov and his brother, 30-year-old Zhasurbek Fazilov – are natives of Kashkadarya region, Uzbekistan. They have been living in the territory of Dagestan.

According to their relatives, who spoke tohuman rights center “Memorial”, the brothers left their home at around 10 am and went to Leninkent village on the outskirts of Makhachkala, where they were supposed to fix the roof of a newly built house.

Join the International Day of Solidarity with Civil Society of Belarus 4 August 2013

Чалавек можа ўсё. Межаў яго сіле няма, калі наперадзе агонь надзеі.
Гэта вельмі добра ведаюць гуманісты, фанатыкі і закаханыя.

A human being is capable of anything.

There are no limits to his force, if led by the light of hope.
This is very well-known to humanists, fanatics and lovers.

Uladzimir Karatkevich, Belarusian writer

Uzbek court found Tursunov dangerous repeat offender and sentenced him to 16 years

Journalists of “Jarayon” were able to get through their sources in Uzbekistan a copy of the verdict in relation to refugee Khairullo Tursunov, who was extradited from Almaty, Kazakhstan, to Uzbek capital Tashkent in spring of 2013.

From the copy of the verdict “Jarayon” has learned that the trial of the 38-year-old Khairullo Tursunov was held in Kashkadarya Regional Criminal Court. The public court proceeding were presided over by Judge A. Elmurodov. Tursunov sentence was handed down on June 6, 2013.