April 2013 ойлик архив

Opinion of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in the case of Gaybullo Jalilov


Human Rights Council

Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary
Detention at its sixty-sixth session, 29 April-3 May 2013

No. 4/2013 (Uzbekistan)

Communication addressed to the Government on 5 December 2012

Concerning Gaybullo Jalilov

The Government replied to the communication on 28 March 2013.

The State is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Lost Uzbek refugee Shukhrat Musin is in prison in Andijan

It turns out that a refugee from Uzbekistan Shuhrat Musin, who disappeared two months ago in the capital of Kyrgyzstan where he asked asylum from UNHCR, is being kept in prison of Andijan, Uzbekistan.

On April 12, one of the relatives of Shukhrat Musin told to “Jarayon” on the phone interview that the lost Uzbek refugee was detained in the city of Andijan.

– Shukhrat’s cousin, who lives in Andijan, was jailed for 15 days. Upon his release, he contacted Shuharat’s parents, who now live in exile in America, and told them that their son was being held in the basement of the same prison. Then Shuhrat’s parents told about it to his wife Barno and her older brother Islam. However, despite the news that Shukhrat is in Andijan prison, Barno wants to stay in Bishkek and continue searching for him, – said relative of Shukhrat Musin.

Karshi police attempted to intimidate Khairullo Tursunov’s lawyer

Law enforcement agencies in Karshi city tried to intimidate a lawyer of the Uzbek refugee Khairullo Tursunov, who was extradited from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan this spring. Meanwhile, Tursunov’s relatives complain about lack of money to pay the lawyer’s services.

“Jarayon”s sources in Uzbekistan reported that the refugee Khairullo Tursunov, extradited from Almaty to Tashkent in March this year, is now in prison located in Shaykhali village near the city of Karshi.

– Two or three days ago his relatives were able to pass him a peredacha (package of food and clothes to inmate – Jarayon). They hired a lawyer, who asked for copies of Khairullo’s passport from his sisters. He promised to deal with all the paperwork, talk with the investigator, and organize a meeting for them with their brother.

CAP-SIPRI North America Central Asia Fellowship Program

Call for Applications 2013

The George Washington University – Elliott School of International Affairs’ Central Asian Program (CAP) and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute North America (SIPRI North America) welcome applications for their Central Asia Fellowship Program.

The CAP-SIPRI North America Central Asia Fellowship Program is intended for young professionals—scholars, government officials, policy experts, human rights and democracy activists—who want to enhance their research and analytical skills and seek to become public policy leaders in their respective countries. More generally, the fellowship program seeks to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and build lasting intellectual networks between the Central Asian and the US scholarly and policy communities.

Thousands of young men and women have become a source of free labor in Urgench

The Uzbek authorities are using a proven method for achieving their ambitious plans to reconst Urgench. Since January, schoolchildren, and students spend half of their schooling day to cleaning rubbish, sweeping streets, digging up the ground and planting seedlings.

Last year the government allocated 112 billion sum (approx. 55 million US dollars – Jarayon) for creation of a new image of the regional center in Urgench. At the moment, the authorities are constructing administrative and residential buildings, and demolishing more than 400 buildings, garages and sheds, removing fences of private gardens and orchards in Urgench city.

Human rights activist Yelena Urlayeva was able to fly to Stockholm

Capital of Sweden, Stockholm, is hosting an international conference for human rights defenders who put their lives at risk. Head of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan, Yelena Urlayeva, who previously reported that the Uzbek authorities were strongly obstructing her participation at this event, was finally able to fly from Tashkent to Stockholm.

On Tuesday, April 2, a four-day conference entitled “Human rights defenders day – strengthening the capacity of human rights defenders at risk”, organized by the Civil Rights Defenders, started in Stockholm, Sweden.