15.10.2013 кунлик архив

Foreign Accent: «Move, Karimov!»

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Bribing in the form of charity

A little less than a quarter of a century has passed since Islam Karimov became the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its irreplaceable leader.

During this period of time, Islam Karimov created one of the most authoritarian, oppressive and brutal regimes of the 21st century. Annual reports of international organizations continuously name him a dictator, and the country is put is on one of the last places in the world on the corruption index.

All political and religious opponents of Karimov were arrested and imprisoned on trumped-up criminal cases during the first years of his reign. Torture, abuses, violence and inhuman treatment of prisoners in penal institutions are practiced by authorities to the present day.