November 2013 ойлик архив

Torture in Uzbekistan: the truth that does not require proof

Alisher Vakhidov, the head of the official delegation of Uzbekistan, stated that “tortures in Uzbekistan are used, but the government is fighting against this evil” while presenting the first official report of the government at the 23rd session of the UN Committee against Torture while on November 17-19, 1999.

Members of the Committee, supporting the good will of Uzbekistan in eradication of any form of violence against the human being, approved the report of the Uzbek delegation saying it was “sincere without attempts to hide anything”.

Yelena Ryabinina: Persecution of Muslims in Uzbekistan is taking more severe forms

The flow of refugees to Russia increased significantly in recent years.

Refugees are mainly coming from Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria and the countries of Central Asia.

In an interview with “Jarayon”, Yelena Ryabinina, prominent Russian human rights activist, head of the program “Right to asylum” of the Human Rights Institute, tells about people seeking asylum in Russia and the challenges they face in this country.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Slaves in the 21st century

Islam Karimov, one of the most brutal dictators in the world, has been illegally ruling Uzbekistan for quarter a century, making the population slaves in the 21st century.

Karimov has transformed one of the most promising countries in the Central Asian region into the space of violence, lawlessness, corruption and hypocrisy, driving the country to a standstill, which can be overcome only through means of violence.

Solizhon Abdurakhmanov released from the punishment cell

Shukurzhon Abdurakhmanova laments that all written complaints of her husband Solizhon Abdurakhmanov do not reach the higher instances. Solizhon Abdurakhmanov husband sentenced to ten years of imprisonment.

Shukurzhon Abdurakhmanova informed “Jarayon” by the phone that her husband had been released from the punishment cell. However, according to the lady, when she visited her husband in the prison, he refused to tell her why he was put in punishment cell.

Bekhzod Turgunov: Authorities still do not answer to my father’s complaints

Tashkent-based human rights activist Agzam Turgunov, who has been kept in detention for the past five years, woes that he cannot get an answer to his written complaints.

Recently, on October 30, in a telephone conversation with “Jarayon”, Bekhzod Turgunov, son of the rights defender Agzam Turgunov, told that the prison administration allowed his father to meet with relatives.

– On September 24-25, my older brother Murod went to the colony in Karshi to meet with our father. He was given a day long date. The health condition of our father is still very poor. He complained of severe pain in the legs. But despite this, he did not say much about his health. Basically, dad asked my brother to inform journalists that all the written appeal to the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General, the Ombudsman, the Oliy Majlis, and the Ministry of Justice remain unanswered. My father is in prison for five years, but he still could not get a response from the higher authorities for his written complaints, – says Bekhzod Turgunov.

Ambassador for Human Rights at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France paid a visit to Uzbekistan, human rights activists were not informed

Letter to the Ambassador for Human Rights of France from wife of political prisoner Azam Farmonov.

Today, when the UN Committee against Torture discussed the issue of torture and human rights in Uzbekistan and called the representatives of the Uzbek government, led by Akmal Saidov, to answer all the questions, I read the information on the websites of the French Embassy in Uzbekistan ( Vizit-Posla-Francii-po-pravam) and some pro-government media websites in Uzbekistan ( that ambassador for human rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Ms Patrizianna Sparacino-Thiellay visited Tashkent on October 23-25.