30.05.2014 кунлик архив

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Sanzhar Ismailov’s case

On the eve of the 9thanniversary of the May 2005 events in Andizhan in Uzbekistan, we decided to remind the UN Committee on Human Rights about the fate of the Uzbek military people convicted that time on fabricated criminal charges of espionage. One of the high-profile cases is of Sanzhar Ismailov’s, the first deputy chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan (GRU), who headed the intelligence and information and interaction sectionof the Main Intelligence Directorate. The public is almost not aware of the criminal case as it was framed and is kept in secrecy.

We appeal to politicians not to sit next to Putin!

On the eve of celebrations to mark the 70thanniversary of the Normandy landings, “Fiery Hearts Club” International Human Rights Organizationappeal to French and Western politicians invited to the ceremony to support the initiative of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and not to sit next to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the honorable podium for the organizers and guests.

We see the following solid arguments that have pushed us to make this appeal.

Uzbekistan – Prolonged detention of human rights defender Mr Ganihon Mamathanov with reduced sentence

On 15 May 2014, in the appeal hearing, the Criminal Court of the Navoi region reduced a recently imposed sentence against human rights defender MrGanihon Mamathanovby three months to two years, three months and six days.

The human rights defender has been in prison since October 2009 as a result of previous convictions, and he was due to be released in March 2014. The new sentence, originally handed down on 29 March 2014, is in relation to charges of disobedience to prison authorities.