17.06.2014 кунлик архив

Comments on Incorrect Statements in Regard to Implementation of the Latest Amnesty Act in Uzbekistan

In the first days of June 2014 different mass media around the world incorrectly reported that under the latest annual amnesty act in Uzbekistan adopted on December 5, 2013 the Uzbek government released 69,5 thousand inmates from prisons.

For example, see the following links for such incorrect statements:  http://www.12news.uz/news/2014/06/02/акт-амнистии-в-узбекистане-применили/, http://lenta.ru/news/2014/06/03/amnesty/or http://easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/v-uzbekistane-amnistirovali-pochti-70-tysyach-zaklyuchennykh/7197.

This news has become sensational and was widely republished by other mass media and discussed on social networks thus creating a wrong perception of the implementation of the amnesty acts in Uzbekistan. Therefore we are making the following comments on the incorrect understanding of the implementation of the latest amnesty act in Uzbekistan.