27.03.2015 кунлик архив

Uzbekistan: Presidential election this week-end — Who Cares?

Élection présidentielle en Ouzbékistan. #VousVousEnFoutez? Pas si sûr!

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Ajoutée le 27 mars 2015

Agissez sur #ForFreedom : www.freedom-defenders.org

“Si me dijesen que no me queda más que un día de vida, lo dedicaría a luchar por los derechos humanos” 

Retrato de Mutabar Tadjibayeva, defensora de derechos humanos en Uzbekistán

“Si me dijesen que no me queda más que un día de vida, lo dedicaría a luchar por los derechos humanos” nos dice Mutabar Tadjibayeva, presidenta de la organización “Club de los Corazones Ardientes”.

Esta periodista y militante uzbeka de 52 años llegó a Francia como refugiada política en 2009. En su país natal, dirigido desde hace un cuarto de siglo por el dictador Islam Karimov, ya no es bienvenida.

En Uzbekistán, Mutabar investigaba sobre el tráfico de drogas, la corrupción y las violaciones de los derechos humanos. Ha sufrido amenazas, prisión y tortura y ha sido violada: su combate contra el régimen le ha costado caro.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: “If I were told that I only have one day left to live, I would spend it fighting for human rights!”


“If I were told that I only have one day left to live, I would spend it fighting for human rights,” says Mutabar Tadjibaeva, President of the organization Fiery Hearts Club. The 52-year-old Uzbek journalist and activist arrived in France in 2009 as a political refugee.

She is no longer welcome In her native country, which has been governed for a quarter of a century by the dictator Islam Karimov. In Uzbekistan, Mutabar investigated drug trafficking, corruption and human rights violations. She endured threats, prison, torture and rape; her fight came at a high price.

Mutabar far from her Uzbekistan continues her struggle

Today, 27 March 2015, the FIDH published a moving portrait of Mutabar Tadjibayeva, the well-known Uzbek human rights defender, under the title “If I were told that I only have one day left to live, I would spend it fighting for human rights.” A statement that in her case is not an exaggeration!

“If I were told that I only have one day left to live, I would spend it fighting for human rights”

Mutabar FIDH
Portrait of Mutabar Tadjibaeva, Uzbek human rights defender.

If I were told that I only have one day left to live, I would spend it fighting for human rights,” says Mutabar Tadjibaeva, President of the organization Fiery Hearts Club. The 52-year-old Uzbek journalist and activist arrived in France in 2009 as a political refugee.