Uzbek officials steal money of Japanese taxpayers

We would like to draw your attention to the 11th Joint meeting of the Uzbek-Japanese Economic Cooperation Committee which took place on March 5, 2012 in Tashkent with the participation of the Vice President of «Marubeni Corporation» Mr.Mamoru Sekiyama and the senior advisor of the fund «The Sasakawa Peace Foundation» Professor Mr.Yoshiaki Sasaki.

– Japanese Cabinet. Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo ABE;

– Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida;

– President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Mr. Akihiko Tanaka;

– Chairman of the Foundation «Sasakawa Peace» Mr. Jiro Hanyu;

– Chairman of the Board «Transparency international» Mr. Peter Eigen;

– President «Transparency international» in France, Mr. Daniel Lebegue;

– Manager «The Japan Time» Mr. Toshiaki Ogasawara;

– The Japanese Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

– The UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Mr. Stefan Priesner;


Dear Sir and Madame,

We would like to draw your attention to the 11th Joint meeting of the Uzbek-Japanese Economic Cooperation Committee which took place on March 5, 2012 in Tashkent with the participation of the Vice President of «Marubeni Corporation» Mr.Mamoru Sekiyama and the senior advisor of the fund «The Sasakawa Peace Foundation» Professor Mr.Yoshiaki Sasaki.

During the negotiation process official Uzbekistan confirmed its readiness to cooperate with the Japan International Cooperation Agency in co-financing joint projects with leading Japanese companies. Both sides also discussed future aspects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Japan in the cultural-educational sphere and the promising projects between educational institutions of two countries.

The International Human Rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” has monitored the use of Partnership Fund gratuitous assistance of the Government of Japan in the amount of 352 thousand dollars allocated to the organization “Uzbek Society of Disabled People for realisation of the project “Establishment of telecommunication centers for people with disabilities”. The project was also supported by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MFER).

The Monitoring results can be found in the publication: “Thieves-in-law or who stole 352 thousand dollars from people with disabilities in Uzbekistan?”


By the results of monitoring the International Human Rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” made a conclusion that project was not implemented:

– Free access to the Internet had only 300 – 400 disabled persons for a period of 4 months;

– The project funds were stolen by a group of corrupted officials from the National Security Service of Uzbekistan and MFERIT, as well as the former head of the “Uzbek Society of Disabled People” Oybek Isakov;

– As a result, a criminal case was open, but the court of Tashkent city, put the responsibility for the crime to a disabled since childhood Omonullo Rasulev, who does not have any connection with this corrupted affair;

– Stolen money from the project were never returned.

Because of the criminal attitude to his duties, former leader of the “Uzbek Society of the Disabled People” Oybek Isakov, who currently works as the Deputy Chairman of the National Society and UNDP consultant on disability, we believe is responsible for the Japanese taxpayers money brutally being stolen by Uzbek officials.

Thousands of people with disabilities in Uzbekistan were looking forward to this project, but have never been able to enjoy the free access to the Internet, as the only source of communication with the outside world in the totalitarian Uzbekistan.

In order to prevent corruption and promote efficient utilisation of resources from Japanese taxpayers International Human Rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club”


– Conduct annual monitoring by relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of all the grant project with the obligatory publication of the results in media and online.

– Upon the completion of the project, to provide a mandatory report together with all financial documents and information about the results.

In order to ensure the compliance with the rule of law, as well as protection of the interests of Japanese taxpayer, International Human Rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” requests the Government of Japan through diplomatic channels to submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan a Note, requesting to identify the criminals who stole the money from this project.

Also, we urge you to withdraw money from the “Uzbek Society of the Disabled People” in the amount of 352 thousand dollars since the following funds have been spent for other purposes and the disabled people of Uzbekistan were not provided with the free Internet access in their homes.

International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club” requests a written response to this appeal. If necessary, we can provide the necessary documents to prove our information.

Yours sincerely,

Mutabar Tadjibayeva:

President of the International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club”.
(President of the Association Internationale de Dèfense des Droits de I’homme
“Club des Coeurs Ardents”)
Awards: “Martin Ennals Award”,
Paris, France, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize, France,

Contacts: 7 SquareBrassens 91600, SavignysurOrge, France
Tel.mobil: +33 679233927
Office: +33950147243


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