The stand of “Fiery Hearts Club” on Gulnara Karimova’s interview

As we have reported earlier, in the beginning of March, Mutabar Tadjibayeva, head of the International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club”, Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, well known Danish filmmaker Michael Andersen, Igor Vorontsov, former employee of an international organization “Human Rights Watch” and journalist Andre Lorsch went to Cologny, one of the most exclusive areas of Geneva, to see the house of Gulnara Karimova, eldest daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov.

After this visit, Gulnara Karimova’s personal blog and several other online media published her interview to Swiss magazine Bilan in which she gave unfounded statements, offensive words and accusations against Mutabar Tadjibayeva and Craig Murray.

We decided to publish our stand and position on this situation.

First, we take Gulnara Karimova as one of the central figures of the repressive regime of Islam Karimov, who has illegally usurped the power in Uzbekistan, committing historically unprecedented crimes. He keeps his power only through a systematic and large-scale violence against the society in Uzbekistan.

Gulnara Karimova is not only the oldest daughter of Islam Karimov, who publicly displays her ambitions to obtain power from the hands of her father, but she is also an official of the regime, representing the official Tashkent to the UN in Geneva. The Karimov’s systematically violate both national legislation of Uzbekistan and the fundamental principles of international human rights and freedoms, and we do not in any way intend to follow their example of treating the opponents. During our visit to Gulnara Karimova’s house, we did not break any international laws.

We strictly adhere to the generally recognized principles and norms of international law on the status of diplomats, but at the same time we do not intend to tolerate the repressive regime of Karimov’s family. Therefore, in the framework of international law, we will not cease to pursue the dictatorship in the country.

Gulnara Karimova must be prepared for the fact that the people of Uzbekistan will ask her tough questions. Sooner or later she will have to face the people of Uzbekistan and answer their questions in a fair and independent court.

And while strictly respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, the public has the right to seek and disseminate information concerning public officials and political processes.

Our desire to see the multi-million dollar mansion of Ms. Karimova came from the desire to get information about where the money of Uzbek people, millions of dollars stolen from them, is being spent. While dictatorship and illegitimate authority continues flourishing in Uzbekistan, we reserve the right to question the legality of the purchases and wealth of senior officials of the country.

Second, in her interview Gulnara Karimova accuses us stating that we “work off payments while not having anything else to do, any other interests, hobbies or a properly paid job.” This statement reveals the psychological traits of Ms.Karimova, who finds vulgar interests, devoid of any moral values, in everything she sees. She does not point out who finances us. Also, she clearly shows her pride for fabulous wealth, as she accuses us of the absence of seriously paid work. In short, she contradicts herself.

We believe that the millions of the Karimovs, gained through the repressive machine of their father, is a serious offense committed against the thirty million people of Uzbekistan. It has no historical limits.

Third, Gulnara Karimova sarcastically calls Mutabar Tadjibayeva “president” of “Fiery Hearts Club.” According to the French law “On associations” from 1901, which regulates the activities of non-governmental organizations, any non-governmental organization must have three positions – president (as a founder), secretary and accountant. Thus, the presence of the president in a nongovernmental organization, registered in France, is a legal requirement. It is said to know that legal knowledge of Gulnara Karimova, who works as a representative of Uzbekistan to the United Nations, is so shallow.

Fourth, in her remarks, Gulnara Karimova vulgarly interferes in the personal life of Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and talks about his family matters. This clearly shows that Karimov is completely devoid of the ability to see the line between professional and personal life. Her mind is entirely saturated with dictatorial mentality to attack the relatives and friends of the opponents.

In fact, the use of women, children, and close relatives of opponents in order to put pressure on them is a well-established tradition of Islam Karimov’s regime. Not surprisingly, Gulnara Karimova instinctively and not less aggressively repeats the political traditions of her father. From this we can conclude that inside Gulnara Karimova there is not less aggressive, but possibly much more repressive dictator than her father.

Gulnara Karimova also accuses Craig Murray in connection with various clans, including with Bekhzod Akhmedov, now wanted in Uzbekistan for economic crimes. And this time again Karimova gives no proof to her statements. In fact, it is the current regime in Uzbekistan that creates bases for skyrocketing levels of corruption, financial fraud. Thus, it is the government that is solely responsible for all financial, political and other crimes committed in Uzbekistan. And the architect and custodian of this regime is the Karimovs family, including the eldest daughter Gulnara Karimova.

We are absolutely sure that we clearly distinguish and follow legal boundaries between personal and professional life (even if a person is a representative of a repressive regime). It also concerns the obtaining and dissemination of information in fighting against the dictatorship.

In this matter, we, unlike Gulnara Karimova, do not allow ourselves to violate the privacy of the individual and insult other people. However, we will be consistent in our aspirations in the struggle against the dictatorship, and will strictly adhere to the norms of international laws.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that we would not mind if Gulnara Karimova, based on her statements in the interview, sued us. This would be a great chance for us to repeat the proceedings in Paris, which previously determined that “Uzbekistan is a dictatorship, and Lola Karimova [second daughter of president Islam Karimov – Jarayon] is the daughter of the dictator.”

Mutabar Tadjibayeva,

Head of the International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club”

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