Miguel de la Lama, the Secretary of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention informed Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” that the Working Group has prepared the case of two Uzbek human rights defenders Azam Farmonov and Alisher Karomatov for consideration during the 65th session of the organization. Their case, having 44 paragraphs, collected objections and conclusions which will be included in the annual report of the UN Human Rights Committee and reviewed as appropriate.
It should be mentioned, that in accordance with the official procedure of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, submission of individual complaints to the UN and the appellation process is a rather complex and time-consuming process for citizens of Uzbekistan. In particular, the fact that the complaints of our citizens are reviewed for years by the Human Rights Committee and other UN committees, and often has an unsatisfactory result is a great disappointment to us.
However, our regular meetings and discussions with the relevant agencies in the UN Geneva office moved the business off the ground. This year’s March visit to Geneva of the President of “Ezgulik” Vasilya Inoyatova brought especially good results. Then, during a conversation with a representative of the UN Committee on Human Rights Inoyatova described the deteriorating health condition of Azam Farmonov and stated that a prompt action with regards to his case and his immediate release from detention is necessary. We hope that the promises of the UN representatives to resolve the issue will bring in the nearest future positive results.
For information: On June 15, 2006, Azam Farmonov and Alisher F. Karomatov were sentenced to 9 years imprisonment by the city Court of Yangier. In 2011,Alisher Karomatov was released due to his severe health condition, but Azam Farmonov still remains in the colony UYA 64/71 in Zhaslyk, Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Source: The human rights society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”