Чалавек можа ўсё. Межаў яго сіле няма, калі наперадзе агонь надзеі.
Гэта вельмі добра ведаюць гуманісты, фанатыкі і закаханыя.
A human being is capable of anything.
There are no limits to his force, if led by the light of hope.
This is very well-known to humanists, fanatics and lovers.
Uladzimir Karatkevich, Belarusian writer
On 4 August 2013,on the second anniversary of arrest of well-known human rights defenderAles Bialiatski, International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society of Belarus will be held for the second time.
“We will observe this day every year, until the situation of civil society in Belarus changes: until its authorities put an end to imprisoning people for human rights activities, until there is a guarantee of fundamental human rights: freedom of expression, assembly and association.” (Manifesto of the Solidarity Day)
Last year, on this day, events and actions were held in more than 18 countries, including Armenia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, the UK and the USA. The full list of participants, as well as the report of the action can be found on the website of the Solidarity Day.
This year the event is dedicated to humanists and dreamers of today, as well as to people and organisations that represent the Belarus of freedom and resistance.
On the 4th of August, we tell peoplefrom different countries about what is happening in Belarus and about those people, who are doing their best to offer alternatives – Belarus without death penalty, without unlawful arrests and militarised consciousness, open to the outside world, with a wide open space for freedom and solidarity.
This action is created as a demonstration of solidarity with civil society of Belarus and of moral support to human rights defenders and activists, who continue their work.
We are convinced that the situation in Belarus is significant not only for Europe and Central Asia, but also for many other countries, where activists are being harassed with impunity by the authorities.
Therefore, on 4 August we welcome people from different countries tothink about Belarusian human rights defenders and civil society activists, to say their names in the streets and squares of our cities – forour thoughts and actions to give them additional strength and inspiration!
How can you join the action?
– commemorate the 4th of August in your city and tell about it to the organisers –here is the link to a draft list of possible actions — see http://by.soli-day.org/node/8 .
– enter the action’s working group (help to create materials, slogans and events within the framework of the action, as well as be in charge of their organisation in different cities and countries)
– become coordinator of the action in your country/region/city;
– offer any other help for organisation of the Solidarity Day (help is needed with the information, analytical and educational materials, translations, creation of images, development of the website, etc. We will be grateful to have your help!)
Team of the International Day of Solidarity