Anti-corruption policy of TeliaSonera: Reality or illusion?

The scandal surrounding the Scandinavian telecommunications company is growing.

The investigation into bribery and corruption that started in Sweden in relation to a mobile operator can significantly extend its boundaries. There is no doubt that “TeliaSonera” is one of the participants in the complicated chain of financial corruption created by Gulnara Karimova, eldest daughter of bloody dictator Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan.

Hoping to save its tarnished reputation, the new management of “TeliaSonera” started to create a new image of the company – a company that fights for human rights. Responding to questions from members of Swedish Parliament, Ms. Marie Ehrling, new top manager of “TeliaSonera”, stated that ” … leaving the countries, dominated by dictatorship, is to worsen the situation related to human rights…”, “… futile resisting the dictatorship that practices total control over its citizens. This will worsen the human rights situation…”

When management of “TeliaSonera” recently made official statements, International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club” appealed to Ms. Marie Ehrling on Jule 1 calling upon the mobile operator to focus its attention on the protection of rights and freedoms. We asked to support the civil society in the authoritarian Uzbekistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan – the countries in the geography of “TeliaSonera”s operation, and where the violation of human rights is a vital issue. The goal of our appeal was to have the Swedish company offer cooperation and support to those non-governmental organizations that cover and deal with the problems of human rights violations in these countries.

On September 4, we received a response from “TeliaSonera”, signed by the vice-president of the company, Ms. Eija Pitkänen. The letter states that “TeliaSonera” aims to take a clear stand against corruption, and that since the beginning of this year the company has taken additional practical measures, such as adopting an anti-corruption policy. Ms. Eija Pitkänen emphasizes that human rights and efforts to fight corruption are priorities for “TeliaSonera”.

We would love to believe the answers of the new vice-president of “TeliaSonera”, but analyzing the current activities of “Ucell”, company’s Uzbekistani branch, we very much doubt their sincerity.

We all remember the unprecedented actions of the Uzbek authorities in relation to the mobile operator “MTS-Uzbekistan”. On July 17, 2012, all of a sudden and without prior notice, nearly ten million customers of “MTS-Uzbekistan” had no access to mobile communications and internet. We will not go into the details of the lawlessness created by the Uzbek authorities, too much has been said and written about it. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, despite the significant increase of “Ucell” subscribers after the terminating its rival, the price of mobile services of the company increased significantly, yet their quality has deteriorated.

“Ucell” continues to act as one of the main sponsors of the projects carried out by the Fund Forum, which is a mouthpiece of Gulnara Karimova, who dreams of inheriting his father’s bloody throne. Once the European countries initiated criminal proceedings against a number of commercial entities controlled by Karimova, she started her PR-campaign to participate in the next presidential election in Uzbekistan in 2015.

This brings to mind the ancient Roman philosopher’s saying: “Tyrannical power does not go beyond the first kin – either it cuts tyrant’s life or takes it away from his heirs.” The words of Claudius Eliana are relevant to the present day. History has repeatedly reaffirmed this wise statement.

Sensing the imminent bloody exposure of equity belonging to the family of Islam Karimov and the upcoming collapse of the dictator and his whole system, younger daughter of the president of Uzbekistan, Lola Karimova-Tillaeva, in an official interview to the Russian service of BBC mentioned about the contention in the presidential family. Lola Karimova said that she has not been in touch with her sister for the past 12 years, and also requested the media not to associate her with the affairs of her bigger family. (Read more

For several years, protesting against the use of child labor in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan, number of international importers refused to buy the Uzbek cotton.

When appealing to the management of “TeliaSonera”, we remind them of a simple truth that the regimes collapse like cards houses, and dictators’ fates are unenviable. Despite the fact that dictators see themselves as “eternal” presidents, logical outcome of their government is unequivocal – forced displacement and punishment. In this regard, we call “TeliaSonera” to cease all cooperation with the dictatorial countries and begin to implement the priorities of the company, that is, respect human rights and fight against corruption.

International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club” would like to draw your attention to one thing: computers and the web site of the organization have become targets of massive virus and DDoS attacks. On September 4, 2013, our organization received via email a response from “TeliaSonera”, and the very next day, at approximately 10:00 pm CET, our computers were subject to intensive virus attack. As a result of this attack, all of our computers connected to the Internet stopped working. Moreover, virus attacked computers of our partners as well. Today, all our equipment need serious repair.

We do not intend to look for the source of virus attacks, and do not want to make any assumptions. We understand that the attack’s only aim was to inflict maximum damage to the information base of our organization. And we were ready to it. Originally anticipating an attack of this kind, we have replicated our data to external hard drives.

We are sure of one thing, all these actions against us only means that our organization is on a very important mission, it means that we are on the right track.

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