In the 80s of the last century, Javid Novruzov , one of the authors of the newly written song “Move, Karimov”, studied in one of the universities of Tashkent, capital city of Uzbekistan. In those years, the singer, who spent five years of his best student years in Uzbekistan, personally experienced what it is to swallow the dust in the cotton fields.
You are overstuffed with for your dismal aptitude to lead
King of kings in a cotton land
Heading right into the pit …
It is the beginning lines of a song “Move, Karimov”, written by a band Foreign Accent, which was formed 10 years ago in US state of Illinois.
Members of Foreign Accent are Americans, who are not particularly familiar with the countries of Central Asia and Uzbekistan. However, one of the members of this group, Javid, born in Baku of Azerbaijan and studied in Tashkent, knows very well about the difficulties of picking cotton, eating macaroni soup and drinking tea with a kerosene smell.
– During those years every Fall I and other students were sent to the cotton field to pick cotton in order to fulfill the Soviet quota on cotton collection. During those field trips I played guitar intensively. Then I was the best guitar player among the cotton pickers. I believe that I could be the best cotton picker among guitar players, – says Javid with irony about his student years in Tashkent.
Javid Novruzov, who was born and grew up in Azerbaija , moved to US in the early 90s. In 2003, he and his friend from New York, William Frenkel, keyboardist and bass guitarist, decided to record a series of songs together. They were joined by a guitarist and vocalist Robert Howerton, and the trio recorded an album called “Pardon My French”. This album was played locally by a several progressive rock radio stations. However, the song form this album, “Turkmenbashi blues”, became the most known in Europe. This song was used in the documentary film by a Finnish film director Arto Halonen.
After a group of Foreign Accent released another album “Double Dutch Discourse” with a new vocalist Clint Dodds. The song “Dancing with Dictators” from this album was used in the movie of Ruslan Tuhbatullin from the Turkmen Dissident TV.
– In 2011, as a main dictator of Foreign Accent, I decided to record another album that I named “Last To Finnish.” I invited a few people, new vocalists and a drummer for recording of this album. All of them are 30-40 years old, and they are Americans. “Move Karimov” was sung by JesKo, our new vocalist from the Central Illinois, – said Javid Novruzov, adding that work on the recording of this album is close to completion.
“The main dictator” Foreign Accent group explained the history of the song “Move, Karimov”.
– Back in 2005, when “Turkmenbashi Blues” was played on the Radio Liberty/Free Europe, my good friend from Uzbekistan (who is now a co-chair of Dictator Appreciation Society) asked me whether I could write a song about the abhorrent regime of Islam Karimov. That time I had told him that I did not like writing songs according to the popular request. Yet I began to think about this topic. To my regret, the news from Uzbekistan provided me with plenty of material for writing this song, – Javid Novruzov.
In his student years, Javid Novruzov, playing guitar near barracks for student on Uzbek fields, tried using his songs to dispel sadness and banish fatigue of their young classmates, and now he has decided to fight against the despotic regimes through his art.
– I believe that a simple song could be an effective and nonviolent way to fight against dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. Art strengthens the spirit of the opposition protest. In addition, the art of protest strongly annoys pompous donkey-dictators and their lackeys, – says Javid Novruzov.
According to him, band Foreign Accent is not going stop writing songs like “Turkmenbashi Blues” and “Move, Karimov”, which were considered as a slap to dictators.
– We shall go though each of the dictator. Let them tremble and live in anticipation of their turn, – says Javid Novruzov in conclusion.
You can listen to the song of Foreign Accent “Move, Karimov” clicking here.