“Hide and seek with the Uzbek dictator’s daughter”

Video: Looking for the Uzbek Dictator’s Daughter Gulnara

Paris, France May 21, 2013 – International Human Rights Organization «Fiery Hearts Club» together with Mulberry Media presents a video that shows what exactly happened during the visit to the Gulnara Karimova’s mansion (15 million Euros) in Geneva on the 2nd of March.

As you remember, Gulnara in her Blog accused all of us in trying to break into her house and later connected this with the incident of the damaged official car in the garage of the Uzbek Mission to the United Nations.

Here are the words of Gulnara from her Blog: «It seems like the group of people that visited us in Geneva wanted to congratulate us with spring and express their grievance by screaming and as they said they wanted me or my sister Lola to come out. They attempted to sneak inside and walk around the house recording it all on video and we had nothing to do, but call the police and make our own video of this March invasion of “human right defenders” as they call themselves».

From the film you can see that she is obviously lying and we did not try to break in. Our main aim was to prove that Gulnara’s 15 million Euros mansion was bough for the money stolen from the Uzbek people. Geneva Attorney GeneralOliver Jornot made a final decision that Gulnara’s accusations were groundless. Official Tashkent has also found her behavior too embarrassing and it seems that she is no longer the Uzbek ambassador in Geneva. We are hoping to see the version of her movie as well.

After Gulnara Karimova’s groundless accusations, Mutabar Tadjibayeva is now discussing with her colleagues and lawyers whether to sue the dictator’s daughter for defamation….

The short video is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JNvo__Pu3I

Mutabar Tadjibaeva

President, International Human Righst Organization «Fiery Hearts Club»



Mutabar Tadjibayeva – fieryhearts.paris@gmail.com or 0033679233927

Contact us at michaelandersencentralasia@yahoo.com or 0034 697 787 041

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