Category Archives: CAMPAIGNS

Some Straight Talk for a Washington Visitor

By: Steve Swerdlow and Patrick Griffith

The Huffington Post

September 8, 2011

A high-level Uzbek official is in Washington this week for talks about ramping up cooperation on supply routes through Central Asia for US troops in Afghanistan. All well and good. The US needs to supply the troops. But if the Arab Spring has taught the U.S. nothing else, it is that there is a cost for playing footsie with repressive regimes. And Uzbekistan is about as repressive as they come.

Letter (English) by Members of the Bundestag, Germany’s Parliament

Dear Chancellor Merkel,

We write to ask your assistance in addressing the Government of Uzbekistan’s continued and widespread human rights violations. Specifically, we urge you to raise with the Uzbek government the cases of 13 imprisoned human rights defenders. Germany must maintain a principled position towards the protection of fundamental human rights in Uzbekistan.

Letter (German) by Members of the Bundestag, Germany’s Parliament

Viola von Cramon
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Dr. Dagmar Enkelmann
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Johannes Pflug
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin

Berlin, den 19.05.2011

Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Merkel,

wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung im Hinblick auf den Umgang mit den fortwährenden und verbreiteten Menschenrechtsverletzungen der Regierung der Republik Usbekistan. Insbesondere bitten wir Sie nachdrücklich, gegenüber der usbekischen Regierung die Fälle von 13 inhaftierten Menschenrechtsaktivisten zur Sprache zu bringen. Deutschland muss sich an vorderster Stelle für den Schutz der grundlegenden Menschenrechte in Usbekistan einsetzen.

Uzbekistan: Washington Must Stand Up for Democracy

By: Patrick Griffith

EurasiaNet Opinion

February 16, 2011

Robert Blake, the US assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia, is scheduled to be in Uzbekistan on February 17-18 for the second Annual Bilateral Consultations between the United States and Uzbekistan. As the Obama administration seeks to reengage President Islam Karimov’s government in Tashkent, Blake should ensure that Uzbekistan’s respect for basic individual rights is a central topic of discussion.

Kazakhstan: Central Asian States Should Fulfill OSCE-Mandated Rights Commitments

By: Maran Turner

EurasiaNet Commentary

December 1, 2010

The OSCE summit, which opened December 1 in Kazakhstan, is offering member states an important opportunity to address regional security concerns. It also is providing a chance for participants to address shortcomings in the sphere of human rights. The host of the summit, Kazakhstan, along with its neighbors Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, should be among those states confronted on their rights records.

Petition to: UN General Assembly – In the Matter of Akzam Turgunov, Citizen of Uzbekistan




Chairperson-Rapporteur: Mr.Malick El Hadji Sow (Senegal)
Vice-Chairperson: Ms.Shaheen Sardar Ali (Pakistan)
Mr.Aslan Abashidze (Russian Federation)
Mr.Roberto Garretón (Chile)
Mr.Mads Andenas (Norway)



Government of Uzbekistan

Massacre of Andijan on Uzbek TV (Part 2-3)

Massacre of Andijan on Uzbek TV (Part 1-3)