Category Archives: Human Rights

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Echo of Andijan tragedy

To Mr.Claudio Grossman – Chairman of the UN Committee against Torture

Dear Mr.Claudio Grossmann,

On 18 November, 2013, the Uzbek Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) posted information about the death of 36-year-old Tavakkal Khozhiev, an inmate of penitentiary facility # 64/47 located in Navoi province as well as excerpt of his appeal to the authorities of the country written in early September. The appeal provides in detail facts of tortures and violence against prisoners executed by the prison administration. Systematic tortures resulting in fatalities, numerous cases of cruel and inhuman treatments urged the prisoner of the strict regime colony to appeal to the authorities of Uzbekistan.

American cotton grower says “Move, Karimov” (video)

In the 80s of the last century, Javid Novruzov , one of the authors of the newly written song “Move, Karimov”, studied in one of the universities of Tashkent, capital city of Uzbekistan. In those years, the singer, who spent five years of his best student years in Uzbekistan, personally experienced what it is to swallow the dust in the cotton fields.

You are overstuffed with for your dismal aptitude to lead

King of kings in a cotton land
Heading right into the pit …

It is the beginning lines of a song “Move, Karimov”, written by a band Foreign Accent, which was formed 10 years ago in US state of Illinois.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Uzbek women – victims of violence

In 1999, the UN General Assembly declared November 25 the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

This date was chosen in memory of the three Mirabal sisters who lived in the Dominican Republic, who were brutally murdered by the Military Intelligence for their resistance to the dictatorial regime of Rafael Trujillo on November 25, 1960. Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal were members of “June 14 Movement” and actively fought against the dictatorial regime in the country. Death of three sisters triggered mass protests across the country and on May 30, 1961, Trujillo regime was overthrown and the dictator himself was killed.

Two prisoners died from torture in Uzbek prisons over the last month

On November 16, prisoner Tavakkal Hodzhiev, 36 -year-old witness of the Andijan events, was tortured to death in Navoi prison. One month ago in Zarafshan prison, another prisoner, 35-year-old Samariddin Salokhiddinov, convicted on religious grounds, also died due to tortures.

On November 18, the public became aware of the fact that in Navoi colony 64/47 a 36 -year-old prisoner Tavakkal Hodzhiev, who was convicted on charges of involvement in the Andijan events, passed away.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: How long will you play the hypocrite, Mr.Shodiev?

“As for Mutabar Tadjibayeva: You know, when a person has nowhere to go and nobody to apply to, well, it is his or her nature to invent various legends. Tadjibayeva is no exception. When she was serving a sentence in a women’s prison in 2008, she was sick very much, she had cancer, female cancel, well, as they say, it was cancer. She asked for help with tears in her eyes. In such cases, we are obliged to provide [help] and get consent of the convicted or sentenced person to deliver certain medical care. A surgery on the person was successfully performed, for which she expressed appreciation several times, and she was released, as they say, on parole to get further treatment. Later on she started spreading all sorts of necessary-unnecessary talks saying what you want to hear.” (Shodiev’s words are provided unchanged – Jarayon’s note).

Talib Yaqubov: Appeal

To French Ambassador-at-Large for Human Rights Ms. Patrizianna Sparacino-Thiellay.

Your Excellency Madame Sparacino-Thiellay!

Expressing my deep respect and reverence to you, I would like to discuss with you some issues related to your visit to Uzbekistan on 23-25 ​​October 2013.

I very much hope for reciprocity and I expect to receive answers to my questions.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Sochi Olympics – disgrace to the Russian authorities

To President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach

Dear Mr.Thomas Bach,

Accelerated preparations are taken for XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic Games in Sochi due in 2014. Despite the fact that there are only two months before the start of the games, construction works are taken in a frantic rush. Olympic venues and the adjacent infrastructure are created in a matter of several months, although the work of this scope requires a longer period of time.

Why is it necessary to ensure that Uzbekistan becomes a democratic ally of the West

In my opinion, Uzbekistan can be likened to a sleepy kingdom, the possibility and real aggregate resources of which will remain unclear to the outside world until it wakes up.

However, given globalization and taking into account many factors, Uzbekistan cannot remain sleepy for a long time. Uzbekistan is rapidly approaching the beginning of political transformations.

Often Uzbekistan is mentioned in connection with violation of human rights, as a difficult and/or inconsistent partner, as a country with complex socio-economic and political issues. But first of all, it seems rational to measure main aggregate resources of Uzbekistan in order to define and understand how Uzbekistan can be useful, or harmful to those with whom Uzbekistan is friendly or hostile.

ICT: for the benefit of the nation or the special services?

Life of the modern man has become unthinkable without the Internet, computers, mobile phones, Skype, GPRS, SIP, Wi-Fi and other numerous information and communication technology (ICT) programs and devices that actuate cognitive activity of the man.

ICT has enabled people to gain access to unlimited global information base, enriching their knowledge and making people’s lives much easier and more interesting. Along with this, ICT tremendous opportunities have become hidden weapon in the hands of the ruling elites at the level of world politics that are manipulating minds of millions of people, expose them to aggressive information influences, which in some cases is detrimental to the mental and moral health of the man, disrupts the moral norms of the society, leads to destabilization of the socio-political situation.

Torture in Uzbekistan: the truth that does not require proof

Alisher Vakhidov, the head of the official delegation of Uzbekistan, stated that “tortures in Uzbekistan are used, but the government is fighting against this evil” while presenting the first official report of the government at the 23rd session of the UN Committee against Torture while on November 17-19, 1999.

Members of the Committee, supporting the good will of Uzbekistan in eradication of any form of violence against the human being, approved the report of the Uzbek delegation saying it was “sincere without attempts to hide anything”.