Category Archives: Human Rights

A woman from Namangan was forced to flee to Turkey because of persecution of her husband

Observers have noted that in recent years more and more Uzbek women, suffering from domestic violence, are seeking asylum in Turkey.

“You may not believe it, but I do not really remember how I came here. My husband used to beat me severely on my head, especially my forehead against the corner of a wall. Before, I calmed myself saying “So I have such kind of husband and life, and women are beaten by their husbands.” But later, I started suffering from headaches, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

OBON women tried to intervene the meeting of diplomats with human rights activists

On February 13, Eric Colling, representative of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan, Lottie Wheeler, employee of the British Embassy, visited Jizzakh region, where they met with local human rights activists Saida Kurbanova and Uktam Pardayev.

The meeting was held in Uktam Pardayev’s home.

Yermukhamet Yertysbayev: I personally get bored without opposition press

Last week, a delegation of international human rights organization “Reporters without Borders” visited Kazakhstan. Journalists were concerned about the closure of a number of newspapers, television channel, and the increasing incidence of attacks on journalists in Kazakhstan.

I was fortunate to be present at the meeting between Johann Bihr, head of Eastern European and Central Asian division of the international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Anna Suleliak, head of the human rights division at RSF with Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, advisor to the President of Kazakhstan, and record their sincere dialogue.

How the Kazakh officials made “Reporters without Borders” laugh

The proverb “The more time, the more work” does not suite well for some officials at the most important and responsible government institution – Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It seems that they are guided by a different principle: when you work less, work also becomes lesser.

It was proved after representatives of the international organization “Reporters without Borders”, concerned about the situation with freedom of speech in Kazakhstan and given permission to visit the country, sent a written request to Kazakhstan asking to meet with authorities and representatives of the government. The letter was sent from Paris via internet to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Jahongir Muhammad: TOYIBA

An acquaintance

I first met the candidate of economic sciences Toyiba Tulyaganova in March 1990. We discussed the creation of commissions In between sessions.

Someone knocked at the door, and a woman went inside and said softly, “My name is Toyiba Tulyaganova, I was enrolled in the Law Commission, may I join you?

Bakhtiyor Khamraev: I am a person who never loses heart

Every year Front Line Defenders, human rights watchdog with headquarters in Dublin, presents the Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk to one person who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of human rights.

On 28 January 2013 the jury made up of members

Human Rights defender Bahtiyor Hamraev is among Finalists for the 2013 Front Line Award

Human rights defenders from Iran, Cambodia, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Colombia and Mauritania are Finalists for the 2013 Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk.

Every year Front Line Defenders presents the Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk to one person who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of human rights.

New details about 29 Uzbek refugees extradited to Uzbekistan by Kazakh authorities

With the help of ACAT – France, the human rights organization based in France, our editors have found new details about fates of 29 Uzbek refugees, who were extradited from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan in 2011.

In late January of this year human rights organization ACAT – France (Association of Christians Against the Death Penalty and Torture), based in Paris, has provided information to a number of international human rights organizations about statements of the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan that were sent to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on November 8 last year in relation to the decision of the UN Committee against Torture on extradition of 29 persons to Uzbekistan, adopted at the 48th session on June 1 2012.

Happy Birthday, “President” Karimov!

Student movement «Fiery Hearts» was established in January 2012 in order to unite young people who are not indifferent to the problems of human rights violations.

We organized our first protest on January 30, 2012 to recall the European society and its leaders all the human rights problems in Uzbekistan.

We chose this day also because it is the birthday of the countries leader Islam Karimov, who we believe is responsible for most of them.

Some of the 29 Uzbek refugees extradited from Kazakhstan are serving their sentences in Zhaslyk prison

“Jarayon” received a letter from the wife of one of the 29 Uzbek refugees extradited to Uzbekistan by Kazakh authorities, where she complains that they no one to protect their rights.

In should be noted in the beginning of the article that 29 Uzbek refugees (all men) were extradited from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan one and a half years ago. Before the extradition they lived in Almaty city together with their families. Most of them have minor children.