Category Archives: Uzbekistan

Kayum Ortikov was accompanied by a psychologist on the way from Ukraine to the United States

Kayum Ortikov, a former security officer of the British Embassy in Tashkent was granted asylum in America, and on 20 February 2014 he left the Ukraine, where he had to reside with his family for more than two years due to persecution in Uzbekistan.

According to Mokhira Ortikova, Kayum Ortikov’s wife, they arrived in the city of Harrisburg on the night of February 20, where a house was provided for their family for residence in the United States (Harrisburg is the capital of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Dauphin – Jarayon’s note).

Health status of Mekhriniso Khamdamova, a Muslim from Kashkadarya, has deteriorated in prison

According to relatives of Mekhriniso Khamdamova, who was imprisoned for religious beliefs, her health is deteriorating day by day in a women’s prison.

On the eve of 8 March, Jarayon’s journalist managed to talk on the telephone with a relative of Mekhriniso Khamdamova condemned in Uzbekistan on religious grounds. A woman, who introduced herself as Makhbuba, said that a gynecological surgery of Mekhriniso Khamdamova scheduled for February 2014 had been postponed.

Mohira Ortiqova: Let’s fight together for life without tortures!

In January 2009, when my husband Ortikov was imprisoned for six years charged with “human trafficking”, I still believed that justice would prevail, and my husband would be acquitted because in our prospering independent Uzbekistan things could not be otherwise, achievements of which had been continuously covered by newspapers and television.

However, in May 2009, after I learned that tortures were applied against my husband to force him to plead guilty of spying for Britain, I began doubting that Uzbekistan has fair courts and lives of people are well protected.

Lawlessness of Islam Karimov: crime without limitation period

To Mass media, NGOs and leaders of youth movements of the Kingdom of Sweden.

Dear Colleagues,

Massive pressure of international non-governmental organizations and human rights leaders, covering problems of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has become one of the main reasons for the cancellation of the visit of President Islam Karimov to Prague scheduled for February 21-23.

Not wanting to discredit his Cabinet, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic as well as a number of key ministers, including the Mayor of Prague, refused to meet with the leader of a totalitarian country Islam Karimov under plausible pretexts.

Open letter to Czech President Miloš Zeman on the upcoming visit of Uzbek President Islam Karimov

Dear President Miloš Zeman,

We are writing to express our surprise and deep concern that you have invited Uzbekistan’s president, Islam Karimov, on an official visit to Prague on 20-22 February.

As the leader of one of the most repressive governments in the world, President Karimov is not someone we would expect to be invited for such meetings. In fact, he is rightly shunned by most western leaders, particularly after the Andijan massacre of 2005, in which his security forces shot into crowds of mostly peaceful protestors in that city, killing hundreds.

Dear reader!

Give you the answer Czech President Milos Zeman’s to open letter international and media organizations, journalists, which was published on our website on Wednesday, February 12.

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your open letter and I answer by the open letter too.

First of all, you’re wrong in the very first sentence of your open letter. Uzbek President Islam Karimov was invited by my predecessor and is a matter ofdiplomatic courtesy that the new president assumes obligations of its predecessor. I did not see you were protesting against the visit of Vaclav Klaus in Uzbekistan.

Second, President Islam Karimov recently held talks with senior officials of the European Union in Brussels. I did not think you were protesting against the visit.

Third, the United States evaluated Uzbekistan as an ally in the fight against Islamic terrorism. I did not think you protested against this American view protested.

I wish you more awareness and less hypocrisy.

Miloš Zeman

Czech Republic: Disinvite Repressive Uzbek Leader

President Should Insist on Tashkent’s Need to Make Rights Improvements.

FEBRUARY 12, 2014

(Prague) – President Miloš Zeman of theCzech Republic should cancel his invitation for an official visit by Uzbekistan’s authoritarian leader Islam Karimov, 31 organizations said on February 10, 2014, in an open letter to President Zeman. The groups include trade unions, investors, and rights groups from the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, and several other countries.

Ozoda Yakubova intends to appeal to the Supreme Court in respect to her husband’s case

Ozoda Yakubova, the wife of Uzbek human rights activist Agzam Farmonov, intends to appeal to the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan with a request to review the criminal case against her husband.

Ozoda Yakubova told Jarayon that two weeks ago she visited her husband in the colony. According to her, swellings have appeared on her husband’s hands and feet over the past two years, and now there are over twenty ones on his body.

Also Ozoda Yakubov said that this year her husband was refused to use the right to take an advantage of the amnesty announced in December 2013 due to fictional violations of internal regulations of the correctional facility.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: Evidence of European policy double standards

To President of TOP 09 party Mr.Karel Schwarzenberg, Prague Mayor Mr.Hudeček Tomas.

“… Our party is based on democratic ideals of freedom and humanism, which have managed to survive even the period of totalitarianism in our country… We do not want to be popular at any costs, or at the cost of unrealistic campaign promises…

Profit should not take precedence over the law and morality. Compliance with laws and ethical principles of negotiation should be one of the conditions for profit …” (From TOP 09 party program).

Reports about Mekhriniso Khamdamova’s death appeared false

An Uzbek refugee, residing in one of the European countries, told Jarayon that all reports about Mekhriniso Khamdamova’s death, a Muslim from Kashkadarya, were false.


A Jarayon journalist was told that Mekhriniso Khamdamova, a female Muslim from Kashkadaryo, died in a prison at the end of January 2014 by Gulshan Karaeva, a human rights activist from Karshi. A few days later some independent websites covering events in Uzbekistan offered condolences over Mekhriniso Khamdamova’s death.