February 2015 ойлик архив

ACAT-INFO Le magazine d’informations de l’ACAT. Des anniversaires de l’ACAT

Des anniversaires de l’ACAT

Alors que nous célébrons les 30 ans de l’ACAT Belgique francophone, l’ACAT France, notre aînée, fêtait à l’automne 2014 ses 40 ans, et l’ACAT Allemagne ses 30 ans.

Puissent leurs expériences nous inspirer et nous aider à souffler nos propres bougies!

‘Virtual Election’ Seeks To Give Uzbeks Real Choice


Critics say that the upcoming Uzbek presidential poll won’t offer voters any real choice and that current incumbent Islam Karimov’s reelection is practically a foregone conclusion.

By RFE/RL’s Uzbek Service

Members of Uzbekistan’s opposition in exile, highly skeptical that Uzbekistan’s upcoming presidential race will be a fair one, are creating an alternative reality by holding a virtual election online.

“Virtual Election” Seeks To Give Uzbeks Real Choice

Members of Uzbekistan’s opposition in exile, highly skeptical that Uzbekistan’s upcoming presidential race will be a fair one, are creating an alternative reality by holding a virtual election online.

Eleven candidates have registered with the Virtual Election Commission, providing a host of alternatives that real voters in Uzbekistan won’t see on election day on March 29.