ACTIVITY REPORT (Fiery Hearts Club (FHC) From 1 January to 31 March 2016

Short summary

The Fiery Hearts Club (FHC) has been gradually increasing its activities and audience since its creation, especially with the active support of the FIDH. Recent activities have adressed different thematic issues of human rights interests in Uzbekistan. Contributions from diverse national and international organizations have been and would be welcome to further reinforce activities, as well as to extend contacts.

1. Brief recap of the beneficiary (the Fiery Hearts Club/FHC) objectives

Prior to the agreement signed between the FIDH and the FHC, it was decided that the beneficiary, i.e. the FHC, would be provided with a financial assistance to increase its capacity in collecting new and fresh information on human rights violations in Uzbekistan, disseminating such information to a wide public through social networks and media, and advocating both national and international institutions for change policy in relation to the Uzbekistan’s political authorities.

П. Main activities and tasks

II.1. Translation from Uzbek/Russian into French and English

II.1.1. Nature of translated documents

Several documents related to the main activities and aims of the FHC were translated from Russian into French and English. These documents are as follows:

  1. the FHC’s Charter
  1. the report on the annual general meeting, which was held in Paris in October 2015
  1. the current composition of the FHC’s board of directors
  1. various administrative tasks and anwering correspondence, telephone calls and e-mails on a daily basis

II.2 Objectives of the French translated documents

Documents, especially those which have been translated into French and related to the FHC’s activities in France, were put together in order to comply with the French legislation. It is now intended to send these documents to the French institution (préfecturde de l’Essonne) in charge of officially recording such new information.

Morever, it was necessary to mention the changes that have been recently made to the FHC’s activities (adress modification, renewal of the members of the Board, opening of a new bank account). The FHC also plans to open its own bank account in a French bank closed to its new office address (7 Square Georges Brassens 91600 Savigny Sur Orge France).

II.3. Proofread documents translated into French and English

Other official documents related to the FHC’s activities have been reviewed and proofread in order to be integrated in the FHC’s website ( which provides information on the situation of human rights violations in Uzbekistan, as well as in the other countries of the Central Asian region. This FHC’s website is available in four languages (Uzbek, Russian, French, English) and updates to national and international institutions. One of those documents is related to the main terminology generally used by the FHC in its diverse publications and dissemination adressed to the general public, as well as to different national and international human rights organizations.

II.4. Documentation of cases of human rights violations in Uzbekistan

The FHC has continued to track the progress of cases of Uzbekistan’s abuse through documentation, analyzis, reporting and dissemination. To that end, it has established contact with the victim families, especially those whose relatives had been subjected to torture in custody and with other persons who had to seek asylum from persecution. Two main cases have been documented:

  • Case of Mrs. Hursand Rajabova (a retiree from Boukhara city) who had written to Mrs Mutabar Tadjibaeyeva to report on her complaint adressed to the President of Uzbekistan and related to her two sons who both had been subjected to torture in detention and as a result one of them had died (
  • Case of Mr.Bakhodir Karimov, an ethnic Uzbek who had contacted Mrs Mutabar Tadjibaeyeva for suppport. In order to seek for asylum in Russia, he had to flee persecution.

Both documentated cases were shared with the ACAT (the Christian Action for the Abolition of Torture) in Paris (March 2016). The ACAT’s interlocutor told Mrs Mutabar Tadjibayeva that an action would be taken with regards to Mrs. Hursand Rajabova’s complaint. Although the ACAT agreed to support the FHC’s willingness to  submitt the complaint to the OHCHR, the ACAT interlocutor specified that she does not know whether it would be possible to bring this case of human rights violations together or separatly. She added that the ACAT needs to consider this issue and will informed the FHC of its decision.

II.5. Developement of new activities

II.5.1. The creation of an online broadcasting service, Radio Tug’yon:

On 16 January 2016 a broadcasting service available online started transmission: Radio Tug’yon. This is the result of a common project between the ‘Fiery Hearts Club’ international human rights Organization and the coordinating board of the ‘Alternative Uzbekistan’. It was launched at the anniversary date of the protest acts that occured in Uzbekistan 24 years ago. On 16 January 1992 thousands of students marched through the streets of Tashkent to protest against the rising food prices. This action of protests was savagely suppressed. On the orders of the newly elected president, Islam Karimov, the army opened fire on protesting crowds resulting in two dead and dozens of injured.

The first radio programme of the station Tug’yon was dedicaded to the memory of those days. On Radio Tug’yon debate is taking place on the reorganization of the current situation in Uzbekistan ; guests are debating among themselves and this creates a living communication with the listeners. We can say that Radio Tug’yon is the successor of a resource of opponents, which has been hacked and destroyed during the presidential election of 2015. The work of the virtual commission was related to this event and independent candidates expressed their views on their candidatures for the presidential election.

We can listen to Radio Tug’yon through the following links:

We can also access Radio Tug’yon through the social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

  • Fiery Hearts Club’s contributors

III.1. Mrs. Mutabar Tadjibayeva, the chairwoman of the FHC (France)

III.2. Five persons involved in the production of Mutabar Tadjibayeva’s book:

Mutabar Tadjibayeva has written a book entitled  ‘The Prisonner of the Island of Torture’ in which she gives her testimony as a victim of torture when she was kept in detention facility of Uzbekistan. The book is composed of 760 pages, is written in Uzbek and will be published in Turkey. To this end, several professionnals are now working on the edition of this book.

Here are the different specialists involved in the manuscript’s process and their fees are mentioned in brackets:

a proofreader, a graphic designer in charge of modelling, a person in charge of the artwork and the cover pages, a person in charge of book layouts,an editor

The prooreader has already received a copy of Mutabar Taвjibayeva’s written document through Internet. He is in charge of its final revision in order to correct diverse semantic and gramatical issues, as well as to do the reviewing and the revising prior to the final approval. The book should be released in print on June 2016 in Turkey. In order to obtain the book’s final version prior to editing here are the main and different steps of such a process : both layout and design of the manuscript are necessary for the preparation of the printing. This work involves typography, illustrations, cover pages and modeling (Page Maker or Quark Xpress and Corell Draw).

Several copies of the book will be sent to different librairies, academic institutions, press services and humanitarian organizations.

  1. Design and coordination of different websites

This website has been initially created on the basis of the Joomla system. Now all the content of the site (texts, tables and other documents related to the period between 2011 and 2016) has been transfered to the WordPress system and has been included into a specific category within the website

This allows an integration of the information with several Internet services such as and

Moreover negociations are underway to solve the problem of hosting, as well as the resources security. It is planned to move towards a much more secure hosting:

It is also planned to fully renovate the website on a WordPress basis.

  1. mutabar:8890 and

Two domains have been registrated : mutabar:8890 and

Those two domains have been easily mentioned and transfered (or redirect) to the following website:


The website  has been designed in four languages: Uzbek, Russian, English and French. Its design has been renewed : it has a wide range of customized and harmonized colours corresponding to the logo of the Fiery Hearts Club Organization.

The website heading has been done on the basis fo a e-GIF, an animation file which contains tables and four different languages.

The menu’s structure has been fully built up. It is worth to mention that 2. 439 messages have been already posted on this website, including 1. 367 in Uzbek, 754 in Russian, 306 in English and 12 in French.

  1. Radion Tyg’yon online

This online Radio has been created in the beginning of this year. This is a radio broadcoasting in Uzbek and for the Uzbek civil society.  Radio Ty’gon broadcoasts one a week in Uzbek for two hours.

Radio Tyg’yon has been registered in the following portal:

  1. 000 auditors listened to radio Tyg’yon of which 287 listeners have downloaded its programs. It is worth to mention that among those 8. 000 listeners, 1. 254 were from America, 940 from Uzbekistan, 459 from Turkey and 425 from Switzerland.

Moreover a separate radio channel is availabe on

As far as the group of ‘Alternative in Uzbekistan’ is concerned, there are severeal links related to Radio Tyg’yon: (286 listeners)

There is another Uzbek group: ‘Muqobil Uzbekistan’ : https// (1. 257 listeners)

There is alos a personal page related to the chairwoman of the FHC, Mutabar Tajibayeva: (1. 438 friends)


It is worth to mention that a special online service related to the Russian group ‘Odnoklassniki’ is also availble in Russian: (2. 100 friends)

The website is linked to another one: and

The radio is also available on Twitter:


Financial aspects

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