Winess Aleksandr Bozhenko, who gave scandalous testimonies in Zhanaozhen trial, was killed, according to head of NGO “Liberty” Galym Ageleulov.
Aleksand Bozhenko had made an open statement that he was forced to give anonymous testimonies against defendants during the trial on riots happened in Zhanaozen city of Kazakhstan in December 2011.
Galym Ageleulov says that it is still unclear on what circumstances and who killed Bozhenko.
“Relatives of defendants on Zhanaozen events contacted me over the phone and informed that Aleksandr was attacked and killed. Details of attack are still unclear,” said Ageleulov. “In any case, Bozhenko withdrew his testimonies on Zhanaozen events and showed how investigators fabricate evidences.”
According to unverified information, Bozhenko was killed in a fight that took place in a wedding party, which he visited with his friend.
Officials have not commented on the incident.
Aleksand Bozhenko gave anonymous testimonies during a court hearing on April 24 on Zhanaozen events under alias Kayrat Alpisbayev. He was not present in courtroom, and he gave his evidences via the phone.
Then one of defendants recognized Aleksandr by his voice and asked him to tell his real name and not to be scared of pressure.
Bozhenko reacted to this with tears telling that he had to give wrong testimonies, because he was tortured.
Two days after this incident Bozhenko appeared in courthouse under his real name and told how investigators fake evidences and what kind of tortures were used against them. He also withdrew his previous testimonies and told that defendants were innocent.
Human rights activist Galym Ageleulov says that Bozhenko was one of the main witnesses on the case and his murder could have been a contract killing.
“We hope that his death is accidental. But Aleksandr was a very important person. If new investigations and judicial process were hold, he could have told everything about tortures and perpetrators. Therefore, there is a high chance that his murder could have been a contract killing,” says Galym Ageleulov.
A group of activists headed by Ageleulov sent a letter to Attorney General’s office stating that all 37 workers sentenced on Zhanaozen events were innocent, but unlawfully judged, and calling for their release.
The letter, which was also published in Facebook, states that norms of the Criminal Procedural Code were grossly violated during the judicial process.
It says that defendants were beaten, faced torture and threats. Prosecutors did not visit them in detention facilities, and were not devoted to finding truth.
“On Zhanaozen case, out of 37 defendants 27 people said they were tortured in detention. Moreover, many people, including anonymous witnesses, withdrew their testimonies against defendants,” states the letter.
Authors of the letter addressed the Prosecutor General’s Office in Kazakhstan asking to take into consideration these facts and to review the case and release illegally imprisoned 37 oil company workers from Zhanaozen.
Demonstration of oil company workers in Zhanaozen that lasted seven months culminated on December 16, 2011, on the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, turning into mass riots. 16 people died as a result of clash with police. Nearly hundred people were wounded.