Kyrgyz authorities accused Vasilya Inoyatova of inciting ethnic hatred and prevented her departure from the country

Vasilya Inoyatova, the Head of “Ezgulik” Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan, personally informed “Jarayon” about that.

Vasilya Inoyatova arrived in Bishkek on the night of June 29 to meet her colleagues in Kyrgyzstan, after that she was supposed to fly to one of the European countries.

However, border guards of Manas airport did not let her go into the country, saying that the Uzbek human rights activist cannot enter Kyrgyzstan.

Vasilya Inoyatovaspent seven hours in the airport transit area.

On the night of June 30, a ticket was purchased for Vasilya Inoyatovato fly to Paris via Istanbul due to efforts of international human rights organizations.

However, according to the Uzbek human rights defender, Kyrgyz border guards canceled her ticket and said that a criminal casewas filed against her in Kyrgyzstan.

“When I was in the transit area of Manas​​ Airport, employees of the border service told me that a criminal case was filed against me in Kyrgyzstan. They said I distributed materials aimed at inciting ethnic hatred, and that I would be sent to prison in this country. But after that I was approached by a man, either the airport manager or the border service head, who told his staff to deport me to Tashkent. I refused to fly to Tashkent and asked for permission to fly to Istanbul.

Prior to this, staff of an international organization had bought me a Bishkek-Istanbul-Paris ticket on the night of June 30, but airport officials revoked my ticket and returned the money to the employee of the international organization, who had bought it for me. After I had to buy a ticket only to Istanbulby myself. Now I’m sitting in a cafe in Istanbul, and I have no money to fly to Paris or stay in Turkey for a few days,” human right activist Vasilya Inoyatova told “Jarayon” on June 30.

While preparing this story, we found out that human rights activist Vasilya Inoyatovawould stay in Turkeyuntil June 2, and after that she will fly to Vienna to attend an OSCE event.

Human rights activist Vasilya Inoyatovademonstrated her active civic position during the bloody events between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks that took place in the Southern Kyrgyzstan in the cities of Osh and Jalalabad in June 2010.

Then the human right activist organized a protest near the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Tashkent demanding that the Kyrgyz authorities must stop the riots and violence against ethnic Uzbeks, citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

Vasilya Inoyatova’scolleagues believe that the Kyrgyz authorities did not let her in Bishkek because of the given action near the Kyrgyz Embassy in Uzbekistan four years ago.


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