Although it is important to provide as much detail as possible, the lack of a comprehensive accounting should not necessarily preclude the submission of reports. However, the Special Rapporteur can only deal with clearly identified individual cases containing the following minimum elements of information:
Subject: In the Matter of Mr.Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich – Uzbekistan
To be completed by persons alleging torture or their representatives
Information on the torture of a person should be transmitted to the Special Rapporteur in written form and sent to:
Special Rapporteur on Torture
c/o Office of the High Commissioner for Human
RightsUnited Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
c/o Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
8-14, avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
facsimile: +41 22 9179006
Representative Office of the High Commissioner
for Refugees in the Russian Federation
125009 Moscow, Leontevski per. d.9
Tel. (495) 660-09-01
Fax. (495) 660-09-04/06
Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russian Federation,
Department of the FMS for Samara region of the Russian
Frunze street, 112, Samara 443010,
Tel: 846.333.4301
June 22 nd, 2014
Although it is important to provide as much detail as possible, the lack of a comprehensive accounting should not necessarily preclude the submission of reports. However, the Special Rapporteur can only deal with clearly identified individual cases containing the following minimum elements of information:
a. Full name of the victim: Mr. Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich – a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has been living in Samara city, Alma-atinskaya street, House # 3, Apartment # 111, Samara region of Russian Federation and seeking a political asylum in protection of persecution, torture, similar ill-treatment and lengthy imprisonment under trumped up politically motivated criminal case against him in Uzbekistan. Mr.Karimov was born and grew up in Poloson village Oltiarik district Fergana region of Uzbekistan
b. Date on which the incident(s) of torture occurred (at least as to the month and year): We don’t know yet if the incident of torture or similar ill-treatment occurred against Mr. Bakhodir Karimov but our many years of experience shows that he will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities in a few fays and in Uzbekistan he will be under a serious risk of being subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the Uzbek law enforcement and secret service officers as he had once been before he decided to leave Uzbekistan in 2005.
We can be confident that Mr. Karimov will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities very soon as the protocol of his detention by Samara city police (Russia) and the subsequent Samara district court decision (Samara region of Russia) on June 10th and June 11th accordingly, indicated he has been detained following the Uzbekistani authorities’ decision to put him into the wanted list and based on article 61 of Minsk Convention on legal aid and legal relations on family, civil and criminal cases among the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed on January 22, 1993. Both Russia and Uzbekistan are parties to Minsk Convention.
Russia is also a party to the UN Convention on the status of refugees, 1951. On June 10th – the day of Mr.Karimov’s arrest in Samara city, Russia the head of Fergana regional Department of Internal Affairs Mr.Sottiev sent an official letter via fax to the head of Samara city police thanking them for Mr.Karimov’s arrest and promising to arrange an official inter-governmental petition on Mr.Karimov’s extradition to Uzbekistan very shortly. All of that puts Mr. Karimov under imminent and urgent threat of unlawful extradition to Uzbekistan, torture, trumped up criminal case and lengthy terms of imprisonment in Uzbekistan.
Mr.Karimov comes from a family in which his three brothers were arrested under trumped up criminal charges of religious extremism and terrorism in 1999 in the wake of February 1999 allegedly terrorist bombings in Tashkent – a capital city of Uzbekistan, tortured during pre-trial investigation by the Uzbek police and National Security Services and sentenced to lengthy imprisonment. Mr.Bakhodir Karimov who was then just 15 years old had also been arrested by the Uzbek security services, interrogated and tortured to coerce him provide incriminating testimonies against his brothers. Police surveillance, regular summons, beatings and humiliations against Mr.Bakhodir Karimov continued even his brothers went to prison, so in 2005 out of fear of imprisonment he decided to leave Uzbekistan and relocated to Russia.
c. Place where the person was seized (city, province, etc.) and location at which the torture was carried out (if known): Mr.Bakhodir Karimov was arrested by Police Department # 6 of Samara city of Russia on June 10th, 2014. He was held in temporary detention cell of Samara city police on June 10th. The next day on June 11th he was taken to Samara district court (Samara region, Russia) where the judge sanctioned that he should be held in pre-trial detention in Samara city police custody until July 9th, 2014 during which the Uzbekistani authorities would make an extradition petition and the Russian side would extradite him to Uzbekistan.
We can be confident that Mr.Karimov will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities very soon as the protocol of his detention by Samara city police (Russia) and the subsequent Samara district court decision (Samara region of Russia) on June 10th and June 11th accordingly, indicated he has been detained following the Uzbekistani authorities’ decision to put him into the wanted list and based on article 61 of Minsk Convention on legal aid and legal relations on family, civil and criminal cases among the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
We should also specifically mention the cases of torture and similar ill-treatment against those Uzbek asylum seekers who are detained abroad on the extradition requests of the Uzbekistani law enforcement agencies and sent back to Uzbekistan. Sometimes Uzbek law enforcement officers travel abroad to the countries of temporary residence of Uzbek asylum seekers to arrest them and bring back to Uzbekistan. The Uzbek secret services have been actively involved in either direct arrests and bringing back of Uzbek asylum seekers or initiating their arrests and extradition to Uzbekistan in such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. Sometimes the Uzbek secret services act in the Uzbek asylum seekers or migrants’ communities abroad through their own informants and undercover agents. Most Uzbek asylum seekers forcedly brought back to Uzbekistan face trumped up criminal cases, illegal arrests, torture and lengthy imprisonment.
The Uzbek authorities have also increasingly been targeting Uzbek labor migrants in places like Russia and Kazakhstan and initiating their extradition back to Uzbekistan under trumped up criminal charges. In most cases the trumped up criminal charges are related to religious extremism, terrorism, and anti-constitutional crimes. Upon extradition to Uzbekistan the former labor migrants are convicted in show trials and sentenced to lengthy prison terms. The Uzbek authorities have also increased control over the labor migrants’ luggage and personal belongings, most specifically targeting personal laptops and mobile phones in search of religious extremist content.
e. Description of the form of torture used and any injury suffered as a result: It is very likely that Mr.Bakhodir Karimov will soon be extradited and be in the hands of the Uzbek secret services where he will be subjected to torture and similar ill-treatment. Description of the forms of torture and similar ill-treatment in the Uzbek prisons, custodies and other detention places is well documented, including the by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the issue of torture. Former Uzbek inmates and detainees recall gruesome methods of torture being employed at detention places, custodies and prisons along Uzbekistan, including electric shocks, sexual assault, the pulling out of prisoners’ fingernails, and long stints of solitary confinement without food or drink.
We believe Mr. Karimov is also under a serious risk of being subjected to similar forms of torture and ill-treatment after he will be soon extradited to Uzbekistan. The fact that Mr.Karimov is currently held in Russia is just a matter of time, he will soon be extradited to Uzbekistani authorities in the hands of whom he will face torture, politically motivated criminal charges and lengthy imprisonment. That shouldn’t stop the United Nations Special Rapporteur from immediately making an official inquiry about Mr. Karimov’s situation both from the Russian and Uzbekistani authorities and request his urgent release and due protection in Russia.
f. Identify of the person or organization submitting the report (name and address, which will be kept confidential):
Mrs. Mutabar Tadjibaeva – Founder and President of I
nternational Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club”
Address:7 Square Brassens Savigny Sur Orge 91600, Paris, France
Tel: +33679233927, +33950147243
Additional sheets should be attached where space does not allow for a full rendering of the information requested. Also, copies of any relevant corroborating documents, such as medical or police records should be supplied where it is believed that such information may contribute to a fuller accounting of the incident. Only copies and not originals of such documents should be sent.
I. Identity of the person(s) subjected to torture
A. Family Name: Karimov
B. First and other names: Bakhodir Ganijonovich
C. Sex: Male
D. Birth date or age: 1983
E. Nationality: Uzbekistan
F. Occupation: Before leaving Uzbekistan under the threats of trumped up criminal case, lengthy imprisonment, persecution, attempts of suicide and attacks on his personal security and life Mr. Bakhodir Karimov hasn’t been involved with any political, religious, social or community activities. He has been jobless. Mr.Karimov comes from a family in which his three brothers were arrested under trumped up criminal charges of religious extremism and terrorism in 1999 in the wake of February 1999 allegedly terrorist bombings in Tashkent – a capital city of Uzbekistan, tortured during pre-trial investigation by the Uzbek police and National Security Services and sentenced to lengthy imprisonment.
Mr.Bakhodir Karimov who was then just 15 years old had also been arrested by the Uzbek security services, interrogated and tortured to coerce him provide incriminating testimonies against his brothers. Police surveillance, regular summons, beatings and humiliations against Mr. Bakhodir Karimov continued even his brothers went to prison, so in 2005 out of fear of imprisonment he decided to leave Uzbekistan and relocated to Russia.
Since 2005 Mr. Bakhodir Karimov has been living in Samara, Russia. He built a new life in Russia, learnt Russian, in May 2010 met his future wife here who is a Russian citizen to whom he married in October 2013 and the couple were expecting their first child soon. In late December 2013 Mr. Karimov called his mother who lives in Fergana region, Uzbekistan. His mother told him that the local police and national security officers have visited her many times lately asking for Mr.Bakhodir Karimov and warned her that Mr. Karimov should immediately return to Uzbekistan otherwise he will be put into the wanted list. Mr.Karimov alarmed with this information visited the Russian NGO “Civic Assistance” (“Grazhdanskoe sodeystvie” in Russian) which provides legal aid for refugees and migrants where he was advised to make an official petition to the Russian Migration Service (FMS) asking for a refugee status and protection in Russia.
In February 2014 Mr. Karimov submitted his official petition to the Russian FMS asking for a refugee status and protection in the Russian territory. In March 2014 the Russian FMS responded to him suggesting he addressed his petition to Samara regional Department of the FMS. Mr. Karimov hasn’t addressed his petition to Samara regional FMS department until June 11th, 2014 until after he was arrested.
G. Identity card number (if applicable): CF 2898701 – passport number of Mr. Bakhodir Karimov, the passport is issued by the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana regional Department of Internal Affairs
F. Activities (trade union, political, religious, humanitarian/ solidarity, press, etc.): Before leaving Uzbekistan under the threats of trumped up criminal case, lengthy imprisonment, persecution, attempts of suicide and attacks on his personal security and life Mr.Bakhodir Karimov hasn’t been involved with any political, religious, social or community activities. He has been jobless.
G. Residential and/or work address: Mr.Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich – a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, lived in Samara city, Alma-atinskaya street, House # 3, Apartment # 111, Samara region of Russian Federation and seeking a political asylum in protection of persecution, torture, similar ill-treatment and lengthy imprisonment under trumped up politically motivated criminal case against him in Uzbekistan. Before leaving his home country Uzbekistan in 2005 Mr.Karimov lived in Poloson village, Oltiarik district, Fergana region of Uzbekistan.
II. Circumstances surrounding torture
A. Date and place of arrest and subsequent torture: We don’t know yet if the incident of torture or similar ill-treatment occurred against Mr. Bakhodir Karimov [but Mr.Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich was tortured by Fergana regional Departments of Internal Affairs and National Security Service in 1999 when he was detained for a short time in relation to criminal cases against his three brothers]. Our many years of experience shows that he will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities in a few fays and in Uzbekistan he will be under a serious risk of being subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the Uzbek law enforcement and secret service officers as he had once been before he decided to leave Uzbekistan in 2005.
We can be confident that Mr. Karimov will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities very soon as the protocol of his detention by Samara city police (Russia) and the subsequent Samara district court decision (Samara region of Russia) on June 10th and June 11th accordingly, indicated he has been detained following the Uzbekistani authorities’ decision to put him into the wanted list and based on article 61 of Minsk Convention on legal aid and legal relations on family, civil and criminal cases among the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed on January 22, 1993. Both Russia and Uzbekistan are parties to Minsk Convention.
Russia is also a party to the UN Convention on the status of refugees, 1951. On June 10th – the day of Mr. Karimov’s arrest in Samara city, Russia the head of Fergana regional Department of Internal Affairs Mr. Sottiev sent an official letter via fax to the head of Samara city police thanking them for Mr. Karimov’s arrest and promising to arrange an official inter-governmental petition on Mr.Karimov’s extradition to Uzbekistan very shortly.
All of that puts Mr. Karimov under imminent and urgent threat of unlawful extradition to Uzbekistan, torture, trumped up criminal case and lengthy terms of imprisonment in Uzbekistan. Mr.Karimov comes from a family in which his three brothers were arrested under trumped up criminal charges of religious extremism and terrorism in 1999 in the wake of February 1999 allegedly terrorist bombings in Tashkent – a capital city of Uzbekistan, tortured during pre-trial investigation by the Uzbek police and National Security Services and sentenced to lengthy imprisonment.
Mr.Bakhodir Karimov who was then just 15 years old had also been arrested by the Uzbek security services, interrogated and tortured to coerce him provide incriminating testimonies against his brothers. Police surveillance, regular summons, beatings and humiliations against Mr. Bakhodir Karimov continued even his brothers went to prison, so in 2005 out of fear of imprisonment he decided to leave Uzbekistan and relocated to Russia.
Mr. Bakhodir Karimov was arrested by Police Department # 6 of Samara city of Russia on June 10th, 2014. He was held in temporary detention cell of Samara city police on June 10th. The next day on June 11th he was taken to Samara district court (Samara region, Russia) where the judge sanctioned that he should be held in pre-trial detention in Samara city police custody until July 9th, 2014 during which the Uzbekistani authorities would make an extradition petition and the Russian side would extradite him to Uzbekistan.
We can be confident that Mr.Karimov will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities very soon as the protocol of his detention by Samara city police (Russia) and the subsequent Samara district court decision (Samara region of Russia) on June 10th and June 11th accordingly, indicated he has been detained following the Uzbekistani authorities’ decision to put him into the wanted list and based on article 61 of Minsk Convention on legal aid and legal relations on family, civil and criminal cases among the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
We should also specifically mention the cases of torture and similar ill-treatment against those Uzbek asylum seekers who are detained abroad on the extradition requests of the Uzbekistani law enforcement agencies and sent back to Uzbekistan. Sometimes Uzbek law enforcement officers travel abroad to the countries of temporary residence of Uzbek asylum seekers to arrest them and bring back to Uzbekistan. The Uzbek secret services have been actively involved in either direct arrests and bringing back of Uzbek asylum seekers or initiating their arrests and extradition to Uzbekistan in such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. Sometimes the Uzbek secret services act in the Uzbek asylum seekers or migrants’ communities abroad through their own informants and undercover agents. Most Uzbek asylum seekers forcedly brought back to Uzbekistan face trumped up criminal cases, illegal arrests, torture and lengthy imprisonment.
The Uzbek authorities have also increasingly been targeting Uzbek labor migrants in places like Russia and Kazakhstan and initiating their extradition back to Uzbekistan under trumped up criminal charges. In most cases the trumped up criminal charges are related to religious extremism, terrorism, and anti-constitutional crimes. Upon extradition to Uzbekistan the former labor migrants are convicted in show trials and sentenced to lengthy prison terms. The Uzbek authorities have also increased control over the labor migrants’ luggage and personal belongings, most specifically targeting personal laptops and mobile phones in search of religious extremist content.
On September 28, 2013 Fergana regional Department of National Security Service, Uzbekistan opened a criminal case against Mr. Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich in absentia. The charges against Mr. Karimov are brought under two articles of the Uzbekistani Criminal Code – article 159 – Attempts to Constitutional Order of the Republic of Uzbekistan and article 244-1 Producing or Distribution of Materials Containing a Threat to Public Security and Public Order.
The decision to open a criminal case against Mr. Karimov was based on an information of Kenjaev Abdurakhmon – a resident of Kapchugay village, Oltiarik district in Fergana region, Uzbekistan, who has reported that Mr. Karimov was allegedly in establishing “Hizb ut-Tahrir” religious extremist organization in Ekaterinburg city of Sverdlovsk region, Russia (this is the name of the place as it’s brought in the protocol of Fergana regional Department of National Security Service of Uzbekistan on opening a criminal case against Mr. Karimov, though Mr. Karimov lived not in Ekateringburg city of Russia but in Samara). The Uzbek National Security Service put Mr. Karimov into the wanted list beginning April 2014.
On February 17, 2014 in his written petition to the Russian Federal Migration Service asking for a refugee status and protection in the Russian territory Mr. Karimov indicated the following information:
“My name is Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich and I am a citizen of Uzbekistan. I have been living in Russia since 2005 because I face a trumped up criminal case in Uzbekistan – my home country. In 1999 the Uzbekistani authorities arrested three of my brothers under trumped up criminal charges of religious extremism, terrorism. Representatives of the local police and national security service visited our house and conducted a search everywhere around the house without presenting any official sanctions to us. The search went on for about four hours. They haven’t found anything banned or illegal as a result of the search but anyway took two of my brothers and me to the police station. As soon as they put me into their car they started beating me up severely ordering me to tell them everything which I know about my brothers. They brought us to the local police station.
They coerced me to provide testimonies against my brothers. I could hear how in the neighboring offices they were torturing my brothers. They have beaten my up in a special way so that there won’t be any bruises on my body as back then I was only 15 years old. Then based on testimonies of some people we don’t know they accused my brothers of encroachment on the constitutional order of Uzbekistan and the local court sentenced them to lengthy imprisonment. In about a month they arrested my third brother as well, also under trumped up criminal charges. He was also sentenced to lengthy imprisonment. They let me go but continued to occasionally summon me to the local police station and forced to tell them everything I did from morning till night. They have attempted to coerce me to cooperate with them but I didn’t agree. They kept summoning me to the local police station each week, sometimes every two weeks where they interrogated, beat and humiliated me.
In six years – in 2005 the authorities released one of my brothers from prison. My mother started urging me to leave the country as she was afraid that the authorities would soon also arrest me under trumped up criminal charges and imprison me just like my brothers to lengthy prison terms. In 2005 I came to Russia, started working here legally, learnt Russian, married a Russian citizen. I have never been involved in crimes and administrative violations in the territory of Russia”.
We should add the following information on Mr. Karimov’s brothers. His brothers Karimov Hasanboy and Karimov Husanboy, twins, born in 1968, were arrested by Fergana regional Department of National Security Service and local police in April 1999, convicted in July 1999 by the local court under articles 242 – Organization of Criminal Community, 216 – Illegal Establishment of Public Associations or Religious Organizations, 156 – Incitement of Ethnic, Racial or Religious Hatred, and 159 – Attempts to Constitutional Order of Republic of Uzbekistan of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan to 17 years in prison.
Mr.Karimov’s third brother Karimov Tohir, born in 1970, was arrested in March, 1999 and convicted under articles 242 – Organization of Criminal Community, 216 – Illegal Establishment of Public Associations or Religious Organizations, 156 – Incitement of Ethnic, Racial or Religious Hatred, and 159 – Attempts to Constitutional Order of Republic of Uzbekistan of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan to 19 years in prison. One of his brothers Karimov Husanboy (one of the twins) was released in 2005 after serving 6 years in prison.
B. Identity of force(s) carrying out the initial detention and/or torture (police, intelligence services, armed forces, paramilitary, prison officials, other): Mr.Bakhodir Karimov was arrested by Police Department # 6 of Samara city of Russia on June 10th, 2014. He was held in temporary detention cell of Samara city police on June 10th. The next day on June 11th he was taken to Samara district court (Samara region, Russia) where the judge sanctioned that he should be held in pre-trial detention in Samara city police custody until July 9th, 2014 during which the Uzbekistani authorities would make an extradition petition and the Russian side would extradite him to Uzbekistan. Mr.Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich is currently held in Samara city policy custody, Russia.
We can be confident that Mr.Karimov will be extradited to the Uzbekistani authorities very soon as the protocol of his detention by Samara city police (Russia) and the subsequent Samara district court decision (Samara region of Russia) on June 10th and June 11th accordingly, indicated he has been detained following the Uzbekistani authorities’ decision to put him into the wanted list and based on article 61 of Minsk Convention on legal aid and legal relations on family, civil and criminal cases among the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
In Uzbekistan Mr. Karimov faces imminent threats of torture and similar ill-treatment in the hands of Fergana regional Department of National Security Service and local police, trumped up criminal charges and lengthy imprisonment just like his three brothers.
C. Were any person, such as a lawyer, relatives or friends, permitted to see the victim during detention? If so, how long after the arrest? Mr.Karimov’s wife Mrs. Karimova Tatyana Leonidovna and his lawyer saw him during a short trial in Samara district court, Samara region when the judge decided to hold Mr. Karimov under pre-trial detention until July 9th, 2014 in Samara city police custody.
D. Describe the methods of torture used: It is very likely that Mr.Bakhodir Karimov will soon be extradited and be in the hands of the Uzbek secret services where he will be subjected to torture and similar ill-treatment. Description of the forms of torture and similar ill-treatment in the Uzbek prisons, custodies and other detention places is well documented, including the by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the issue of torture. Former Uzbek inmates and detainees recall gruesome methods of torture being employed at detention places, custodies and prisons along Uzbekistan, including electric shocks, sexual assault, the pulling out of prisoners’ fingernails, and long stints of solitary confinement without food or drink.
We believe Mr.Karimov is also under a serious risk of being subjected to similar forms of torture and ill-treatment after he will be soon extradited to Uzbekistan. The fact that Mr.Karimov is currently held in Russia is just a matter of time, he will soon be extradited to Uzbekistani authorities in the hands of whom he will face torture, politically motivated criminal charges and lengthy imprisonment. That shouldn’t stop the United Nations Special Rapporteur from immediately making an official inquiry about Mr.Karimov’s situation both from the Russian and Uzbekistani authorities and request his urgent release and due protection in Russia.
E. What injuries were sustained as a result of the torture? We don’t know yet but Mr. Karimov Bakhodir Ganijonovich was tortured by Fergana regional Departments of Internal Affairs and National Security Service in 1999 when he was detained for a short time in relation to criminal cases against his three brothers. He will be definitely tortured and ill-treated when very soon the Russian side will extradite him to Uzbekistan based on the Uzbek side’s extradition request.
F. What was believed to be the purpose of the torture? Mr.Karimov faces torture and similar ill-treatment in order to coerce him to provide self-incriminating evidences and plead guilty. In 1999 Fergana regional Department of National Security Service and local police in Uzbekistan tortured and mistreated him to coerce him to testify against his arrested brothers. Now if extradited to the Uzbek authorities he will be tortured to coerce self-incriminating testimonies and plead guilty.
G. Was the victim examined by a doctor at any point during or after his/her ordeal? If so, when? Was the examination performed by a prison or government doctor? No, we don’t know yet.
H. Was appropriate treatment received for injuries sustained as a result of the torture? No, we don’t think this is likely to happen until Mr.Karimov is extradited to Uzbekistan, convicted and sent to prison for serving his prison term.
I. Was the medical examination performed in a manner which would enable the doctor to detect evidence of injuries sustained as a result of the torture? Were any medical reports or certificates issued? If so, what did the reports reveal? We don’t know yet.
J. If the victim died in custody, was an autopsy or forensic examination performed and which were the results? N/A. But it is not rare for victims in similar cases to die in custody or later on in a prison as a result of torture and similar ill-treatment. Many similar cases have been well documented in Uzbekistan.
III. Remedial action
Were any domestic remedies pursued by the victim or his/her family or representatives (complaints with the forces responsible, the judiciary, political organs, etc.)? If so, what was the result?
Mr.Karimov is represented by the lawyer. We are also submitting the similar urgent appeal on his case to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions and UN Special Rapporteur on the Issue of Torture. We are also submitting the similar urgent appeal to the European Court on Human Rights in order to prevent Mr. Karimov’s extradition to Uzbekistan.
IV. Information concerning the author of the present report:
A. Family Name: Tadjibayeva
B. First Name: Mutabar
C. Relationship to victim: Not related, represents a human rights NGO
D. Organization represented, if any: International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club”
E. Present full address:
Address:7 Square Brassens Savigny Sur Orge 91600, Paris, France
Tel: +33679233927, +33950147243
Mutabar Tadjibayeva
Founder & Chairwoman of IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club”
Aditional information:
IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club” was founded by Mrs. Mutabar Tadjibayeva – a prominent human rights activist and independent journalist from Uzbekistan. Mrs. Tadjibayeva herself has been a victim of torture and similar ill-treatment during her imprisonment under a trumped up criminal case in Uzbekistan. In 2005 Nobel Prize nominee of “1000 Women for Peace.” On May 15, 2008, when she was still in prison, Mutabar Tadjibayeva was awarded with the Martin Ennals Award. For the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ‘’Fiery Hearts Club’’ was awarded with the French Republic’s “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Prize. In 2008 Mrs. Tadjibayeva was announced top 10 list of the women who had played the most significant role in human rights protection. In May 2014 Mrs. Tadjibayeva was included by Reporters Without Borders into the list of 100 most influential journalists of the world. IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club” has been a member of the FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) since 2013.