In Russia, an Uzbek migrant fell victim to ‘werewolves in uniforms’ [corrupt law enforcement officers]

“Fiery Hearts Club” International Human Rights Organization isconcerned about the situation of Uzbekistan citizen Abdullazhon Gafurov in the Russian Federation.

Currently, 40-year-old Abdullazhon Gafurovfrom Ferghana province of Uzbekistan is kept in the Interior Department of Volokolamsk district, Moscow province. He isaccused of contract killing.

“According to Russian investigators, Abdullazhon Gafurov contracted another ethnic Uzbek to kill a third one. The killer allegedly executed the contract and killed the victim, striking his head with a bottle. They found dead body and threw the murder on Gafurov,” Russian lawyerIllarion Vasiliyev told Jarayon, who had met with the Uzbek migrant in the detention facility.

“A certain convicted ethnic Uzbek was introduced as the contract executor, who, orchestrated by Russian investigators, criminates Abdullazhon Gafurov. In addition, there is a witness, who also criminates Gafurov. There are confessionsprovided in the presence of a lawyer. Judging from the behavior, the lawyer has cooperated with the investigators. There’s a video with Gafurov’stestimony about his abduction,” said lawyer Vasiliyev.

For the last nine years, Abdullazhon Gafurov has been living in Russia, where he redecorated houses and porches. In May 2014, he was kidnapped by unknown Asians in Russia.

“Two men got into his car and stunned him by putting an electric shocker on his neck.Abdullazhon fainted and woke up after some time in a pit, his arms and legs were tied and his mouth was taped. The kidnappers demanded money from him, stating that Gafurov owed ​​them 16 million rubles. After that Abdullazhon was taken to an unknown house in the countryside, where he was kept for about eight days. There Abdullazhon saw his acquaintance Kushmurod Gaipov, an ex-foreman of builders, who forced Abdullazhon to write a statement by putting a gun to his head. The statement said that he stole money and contracted four murders,” said

Mutabar Tadjibayeva, the head of “Fiery Hearts Club” International Human Rights Organization based in Paris.

According to the rights activist, when kidnapped, Abdullazhon Gafurov was brutally tortured, which were documented in a medical certificate from Dmitrov City Hospital. Gafurov’s family members had to pay the kidnappers a ransom of US $12,000to free him.

“We also have documented proofs about remittances to the extortionists, phone records of Abdullazhon’ negotiations with Kushmurod Gaipov, who organized the abduction and the extortion,” said Tadjibayeva.

According to her, the abduction and later on the detention of Abdullazhon Gafurovwas organized only to extort a huge amount of money from the Uzbek migrant.

“Police officers, who detained Abdullazhon Gafurov and his family members, acted following directions from Kushmurod Gaipov, who informed them that allegedly Gafurov has 16 million rubles in cash. During the arrest of Abdullazhon, the police beat and humiliated him and his family members, who were in the same apartmentwith him.

They also threatened them with torture and long years of imprisonment, and extorted money from him. It is worth noting that during all this mayhem in the apartment, there were two young children there, who were also abused by Russian law enforcers. Policemen from Mytishchi, a town in Moscow province, were looking for Gafurov’ money, and illegally kept him for five days in the police station basement,” said Tadjibayeva.

The human rights activist believes that Abdullazhon Gafurov is illegallykept in custody now, and his rights are still flagrantly violated byofficers of the investigation department of the town of Mytishchi, Moscow province.

“We have information that the leadership of the Moscow Province Interior Department covers policemen of the Mytishchi Police department. Also we have found out that they are extremely dangerous. In fact, they are a gang. It appeared that Kushmurod Gaipov used to work in a prosecutor’s office in Uzbekistan, and apparently he is not quite reasonable, but he has money to bribe the police in Russia and Uzbekistan. Thus, the former Uzbek prosecutor’s office employee and the Russian law enforcement officers put the Uzbek migrant behind the bars in order to make money,” said human rights activist Tadjibayeva.

Tadjibayeva filed a formal request to the Russian authorities to immediately intervene in the situation and provide assistance to protect the rights of Uzbek citizen Abdullazhon Gafurov in Russia and to investigate all offenses conducted by the Mytishchi policemen and bring the violators to justice.


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