Dear Mrs. Federica Mogherini,
We are, the activists of the civil society of Uzbekistan, gladly learning that concerning your visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 2017, and decided to appeal to you with an urgent request:
We kindly request to you as a high-ranking representative of the European Union, during the meeting with the President of Uzbekistan, raise the issue of releasing numerous human rights defenders, journalists, businessmen, religious figures, refugees, military personnel – people who convicted for political and religious reasons. These people were thrown into the dungeons of the political regime of the country, created by the previous President of Uzbekistan, the late Islam Karimov.
Mr. Sh. Mirziyoyev, after the death of I. Karimov September 2, 2016, took up the post of acting president of Uzbekistan, and December 4, 2016, in nation-wide presidential elections was elected to the post of President of Uzbekistan. During his ruling period were released from prison:
- Samandar Kukanov, a former deputy of the Oliy Majlis (member of the Parliament), was detained since 1993, released on November 24, 2016;
- Muhammadali Karabaev – Head of the Namangan regional branch of the party Birlik – had been detained since August 2006, released on October 18, 2017;
- Erkin Musayev, a former military man, was imprisoned on January 31, 2006, released on August 11, 2017.
- Muhammad Bekzhanov – was detained since March 15, 1999, released on February 22, 2017;
- Barno Khudoyorova – was imprisoned since June 30, 2015, released in 2017;
- Solijon Abdurahmonov – was detained since June 7, 2008, released on October 4, 2017;
- Ravshanbek Vafoev – was detained since February 16, 2009, released in late 2016;
- Davron Kabilov – was in prison since 2009, released at the end of 2016;
- Botirbek Eshkusiev – was detained since February 16, 2009, released at the end of 2016;
- Shavkat Ismoilov – was imprisoned since September 30, 2008, released at the end of 2016;
- Davron Tojiev – was imprisoned since September 30, 2008, released at the end of 2016;
- Bahrom Ibragimov – was imprisoned since February 16, 2009, released at the end of 2016.
- Bobomurod Razzakov – was detained since July 10, 2013, released on October 2, 2016;
- Azam Farmonov – was imprisoned on April 29, 2006, released on October 4, 2017;
- Agzam Turgunov – was detained since July 11, 2008, released on October 7, 2017;
- Ganihon Mamathonov – was detained since October 9, 2009, released on October 16, 2017.
- Rustam Usmanov, a banker, was detained since February 1998, released on February 14, 2017;
- Rakhim Ibodov, the businessman, was imprisoned on August 16, 2015, released in May 2017.
It should be noted that several hundred prisoners, previously convicted for religious reasons, were released in the last year. Also, more than 16,000 people were withdrawn from the so-called “blacklists”, who fell into these lists for their religious beliefs. These “blacklists” were drawn up in the bowels of the repressive security agencies of Uzbekistan – the National Security Service (SNB) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). We believe that in these positive processes undoubtedly great merit of Sh. Mirziyoyev- the new President of the country.
We hope that after the death of dictator Islam Karimov in Uzbekistan will begin a new, more progressive period in the life of the people. Therefore, we believe that the EU should develop a new strategy for its actions and for relations with Uzbekistan in all spheres of the democratization of public life with emphasizing the focus on respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rule of law and the principle of rotation in power that were trampled in Uzbekistan under authoritarian rule of Islam Karimov.
We also believe that the new leadership of Uzbekistan should conduct deep democratic reforms in all spheres of the state’s life, and, first of all, in the penitentiary and judicial system. In particular, it is necessary:
1. Release all human rights activists, journalists, members of opposition parties and movements, people who convicted for their political and religious convictions;
2. Shut down the penal colony UYA 64/71, which is located near the village of Jaslyk, Kungrat district, of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, about which 15 years ago (in 2002) was written report by the Special Rapporteur of the UN on Torture, Mr. Theo van Boven, having conducted an inspection of the penitentiary system of Uzbekistan;
3. Radically reduce the number of prisons, panel colonies, and other penitentiary institutions;
4. Exclude from Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan Article 159 (Attempts to Constitutional Order of Republic of Uzbekistan), 221 (Disobedience to Legitimate Orders of Administration of Institution of Execution of Penalty), and a number of other Articles that are completely repressive and inhumane.
Article 221 applies exclusively to the imprisoned human rights activists, independent journalists, members of opposition parties and movements, religious scholars and professing a religion to ordinary people, who consider by the authorities as enemies, and therefore unlawfully extends their term of punishment;
Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan also applies exclusively to citizens of the country who are either critics of the existing political regime in the country or religious figures (scholar theologians).
September 27, 2017, at the airport in Tashkent police detained a famous Uzbek writer, the author of the book “These Days,” Nurullo Muhammad Raufkhon (Nurullo Otakhonov), who flew from Turkey, where he lived for the past 2 years. In his book, N. Otakhonov, on the basis of irrefutable documents, proved that the President of Uzbekistan I. Karimov, in order to finally suppress opposition parties and movements, on February 16, 1992, organized in Tashkent terrorist acts (a series of four explosions), which were carried out by the country’s special security services. After the terrorist attacks hundreds of innocent people were convicted and thrown into prisons, thousands of people fled to Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
The book “These Days” was published by N. Otakhonov in Turkey. The Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan initiated a criminal case under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which clearly demonstrates the repressiveness and inhumanity of this article.
We think that it might be advisable if, on the initiative of the EU leadership, a group of highly qualified specialists conducted an examination of all documents of a criminal-legal nature, as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for compliance with their international democratic standards and developed a system of recommendations for their implementation;
5. Ensure the independence of the judiciary system by removing it from dependence on the Prosecutor’s Office, the National Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies, since it remains the most dependent system from the above-mentioned power bodies. Judges pass a decision, prescribed by the law enforcement bodies, despite the absurdity of the charges and ignoring the defendant with traces of beatings and torture.
Dear Mrs. Federica Mogherini,
To this appeal, we will attach a list of political prisoners who have languished in various colonies of Uzbekistan for many years. The list is made up by civil society activists of Uzbekistan and it is naturally incomplete, as local human rights activists and independent journalists, as well as employees of international human rights organizations, embassies of democratic states, the International Committee of the Red Cross since 2005, when tragic events took place in the city of Andijan [massacre, shooting by government troops of a peaceful demonstration of the population] cannot visit prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty. Authorities of Uzbekistan are not allowed them to visit these places.
1) Talib Yakubov
16, rue Marcel Pajotin, Angers, 49000, France
Tel: +33 (0) 241667961;
e-mail: vbaelleon@gmail.com
2) Muhammadsolih Abutov
Timra kommun, Sweden,
Tel.: +46707882903
email: abusahwii01@gmail.com
3) Hazratqul Khudoiberdi
Vrinnevigatan 16, 60358 Norrköping, Sweden.
Email: saturnus04@yahoo.se
4) Abdulla Abdurazoqov
Frydensborgveien 1, leilighet 401. 3770 Kragero, Norway.
Tel.: +4790166892;
email: skiferstein@yahoo.com
5) Evgeni Dyakonov
Kroksveien 2, Surnadal, 6650, Norge
Tel.: +47 93093354;
email: evgeni-dyakonov@mail.ru
6) Gulshan Karaeva
Yoshlik 1, Karshi, Uzbekistan.
Tel.: +998904282397
Email: gulshankaraeva@gmail.com
7) Mutabar Tadjibayeva
President of the IAHR “Fiery Hearts Club”
Tel.: +33 (0) 679233927;
email: mutabartadjibaeva@gmail.com
8) Maloxat Eshonqulova
Village Eshonguzar, Zangiota District,
Tashkent region, Uzbekistan.
Tel.: +998935104292;
Email: malohateshonkulova@gmail.com
9) Elena Urlaeva
56-53 Massive Feruza, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Tashkent.
Tel.: +9894 6891764;
email: elena.urlaeva@gmail.com
10) Ozoda Yakubova
Rue Hamid Olimjon, 51, Djizak region, Uzbekistan
Tel.: +998911938044;
email: farmonzoda@gmail.com
11) Vodik Avagyan
4141 Deep Creek Rd., Fremont, CA 94555
+1 (669) 300-8806
e-mail: vodik.avagyan@gmail.com
List of prisoners
- Abdullah Madmarov – in detention since April 12, 1999 (the son of the well-known human rights activist of Uzbekistan Ahmadjon Madmarov;
- Habibulla Madmarov – in detention since 2000 (the son of the well-known human rights activist of Uzbekistan Ahmadjon Madmarov);
- Abdulahat Madmarov – in detention since 1999 (nephew of the well-known human rights activist of Uzbekistan Ahmadjon Madmarov);
- Isroiljon Kholdarov – in detention since July 4, 2006 – Chair of the Andijan branch of Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU) “Ezgulik”;
- Yuldash Rasulev – a member of the Kashkadarya regional branch of Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU); in detention since April 2007;
- Gaybullo Zhalilov is a member of the Kashkadarya regional branch of HRSU; in detention since September 5, 2009;
- Mehriniso Hamdamova is a member of the Kashkadarya regional branch of HRSU; in detention since November 5, 2009;
- Zulkhumor Hamdamova is a member of the Kashkadarya regional branch of HRSU; in detention since November 5, 2009;
- Yuri Nikolayev – in detention since August 22, 2011 (son of the human rights activist Tatyana Davlatova);
- Chuyan Mamatkulov is a member of the Kashkadarya regional branch of the HRSU; in detention since December 2012;
- Fakhriddin Tillayev – in detention since 2 January 2014;
- Doniyor Makhbubov is the brother of the well-known lawyer Husan Mahbubov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan). While in custody, through relatives who came to see him, he conveyed a letter to his brother about torture in the colony in which he himself was detained. However, this letter was found by the colony employee during the general inspection, which employee gave to the chief of the colony. After this event, the administration of the colony has extended custody. Moreover, they began to torture him cruelly. He has been imprisoned since July 13, 2009.
- Yusuf Ruzimuradov – in detention since March 15, 1999 (journalist serving the longest sentence in the world);
- Gayrat Mikhliboyev – in detention since 25 July 2002;
- Dilmurod Saidov – in detention since February 22, 2009;
- Bobomurod Abdullayev – in detention since September 26, 2017.
- Toshtemir Nurmatov (Mukhammad Rajab Makhsum Kori) – Imam of the historical mosque “Havoqand” in the city of Kokand, Fergana region – in detention since 1994;
- Akram Yuldashev (Akrom Yo’ldoshev) is a religious figure, theologian, mathematician, author of the book “The Way to Truth”, in detention since February 17, 1999 (his fate is still unknown, had been circulated an unofficial report about his death in prison, but his body was not returned to the family);
- Iskandar Khudoyberganov, a religious figure, was detained in the Republic of Tajikistan in early August 2001, and deported to Uzbekistan in February 2002); The charges were given under 14 articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular on articles 97-3, 155, 156, 157, 159, 242, 244; The court sentenced him to death on 28 November 2002; in April 2007, the death penalty was replaced by a 20-year prison sentence;
- Rukhiddin Fakhriddinov, a religious figure (famous theologian), was kidnapped by the special services of Uzbekistan on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in detention since November 24, 2005;
- Saidkamol Abutov – in detention since June 2008 (the brother of the former prisoner of conscience, a religious figure (scholar) Muhammadsolih Abutov, who was granted political asylum in Sweden);
- Qudratbek Rasulov – political prisoner – in detention since September 6, 2013.
- Muhammadali Shahobiddinov – in detention since October 30, 2008;
- Aramais Avakian – a farmer – in detention since September 4, 2015 (was sentenced to 7 years’ deprivation of liberty);
- Bektemir Umurzakov – farmer – in detention since September 4, 2015 (was sentenced to 6 years’ deprivation of liberty);
- Furkat Juraev – farmer – in detention since September 4, 2015 (was sentenced to 12 years’ deprivation of liberty);
- Dilshod Alimov – farmer – in detention since September 4, 2015 (was sentenced to 5, 5 years’ deprivation of liberty);
- Akmal Mamatmurodov – farmer – in detention since September 4, 2015 (was sentenced to 5, 5 years’ deprivation of liberty).
- Sanjar Ismailov – former military man – in detention since July 2, 2005.
- Dilorom Abduqodirova – a former refugee – fled to Australia after the tragic events in the city of Andijan (the shooting of a peaceful meeting of the population by the government troops in 2005), her children stayed in Andijan; in Australia she received political asylum; in 2010 the authorities of Uzbekistan lured her out of Australia, saying that, allegedly, she was under an amnesty and she does not face arrest. However, when she returned to Uzbekistan on arriving at Tashkent airport was arrested; sentenced to 10 years imprisonment;
- Shuhrat Musin – a former refugee – on February 18, 2014, Uzbek special security services kidnapped him in the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
- Mirsobir Hamidkoriev – movie producer – fled to the Russian Federation; kidnapped in Moscow by special security services of Uzbekistan; in detention since June 15, 2014.
In this Appeal, we have placed a separate line to the political prisoner Okbuta Koraboev because it has absolutely no connection with the categories of prisoners listed above. Nevertheless, the case with O. Koraboev is unique in the history of Uzbekistan in the period of independence of the state. The uniqueness lies in the fact that O. Koraboev is an absolutely illiterate person – he has not studied at the school for a single day, can neither read nor write and does not even know how to sign any document. He is now about 80 years old, a native of the hill Bakhmal district of the Djizak region of the Uzbekistan which borders with the Republic of Tajikistan.
He was orphaned in his early childhood years, he was sheltered by one family and he grew up in this family, grazing their small living creatures. His adoptive parents did not give him to school.
When he grew up, he grazed the cattle of the whole village for a small fee. Thus by this way he saved up money, built a house for himself, got married, got children. And in 70 years, he also grazes the cattle of the inhabitants of his village. One day, when he lay down on the ground and fell asleep, the herd went deep into the territory of Tajikistan. When O. Koraboev returned the herd back to the territory of Bakhmal district, he was stopped by Uzbek border guards who brought him to the Jizzakh regional investigation department of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan. A criminal case was brought against him under Article 157 (High Treason). The court sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
Currently, he is serving a sentence in the penal colony of the UYA 64/71 near the village of Jaslyk of the Kungrat district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in which many political prisoners have served and serving prison sentences.
Abdullah Madmarov, Habibulla Madmarov, Abdulahat Madmarov, Yuri Nikolaev, Saidkamol Abutov and Doniyor Mahbubov did not engage in human rights activities, but the first two of the above prisoners are sons, and the third is the nephew of the well-known human rights activist Ahmadjon Madmarov, the fourth is the son of Tatyana Davlatova, she also known as human rights activist, the fifth – the brother of the well-known theologian, a former political prisoner, who spent many years in prisons of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation. Finally, the sixth the brother of the famous lawyer Husan Mahbubov who quite successfully defended many people accused by the investigating authorities.
During the ruling period of Islam Karimov with respect to well-known human rights activists, leaders and members of opposition parties and movements, writers, poets, and scientists a policy was pursued, the meaning of which is explained below: ‘Do not touch the above-mentioned people or these people should not be bothered.
ARREST AND DETAIN their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands or wives in prison on fabricated charges.’ In addition to the above-mentioned persons, the following arrested and convicted persons can be named as examples:
- Ikhtiyor Hamraev is the son of Bakhtiyor Hamrayev, chairman of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan, HRSU);
- Rashid Bekjanov and Muhammad Bekjanov – are the brothers of the Chairman of the opposition party ERK Muhammad Salih;
- Mashrab Jumayev is the son of the famous poet Yusuf Jumayev, an ardent critic of vehement dictator President I. Karimov;
- Azam Farmonov is the son-in-law of the head of HRSU Talib Yakubov.
- Jamshid Karimov is a journalist, own nephew of the President I. Karimov, the son of his brother Arslon Karimov. Islam Karimov placed his nephew in a psychiatric hospital in September 2006 for criticizing his uncle, who despotically ruled the state, for dissent and cooperation with the free press. Jamshid Karimov was released recently – after the death of his uncle, I. Karimov. He spent 11 years of his life in a psychiatric hospital.