Category Archives: FEATURED

TACHKENT EXPRESS – Article paru dans le magazine Amnesty, publié par la section Suisse d’Amnesty International, février 2009

Sur fond de dictature au fort relent soviétique, l’Ouzbèke Mutabar Tadjibayeva a réussi à s’extraire des prisons de Tachkent pour recevoir le prix Martin Ennals des défenseurs des droits humains à Genève.

«Ma grand-mère a été victime de la répression stalinienne, comme une ennemie de la nation. Maintenant, en Ouzbékistan, le gouvernement me considère comme une ennemie du peuple. Du temps de Staline, c’était ma grand-mère et maintenant c’est mon tour», s’en amuse presque Mutabar Tadjibayeva.

Magazine d’information de la Ville de Genève № 29: Le Prix Martin Ennals honore une journaliste ouzbek

Le Prix Martin Ennals honore une journaliste ouzbek

Cette année, le Prix Martin Ennals pour les Défenseurs des Droits de l Homme a été décerné à Madame Mutabar Tadjibayeva, journaliste ouzbek, condamnée en 2006 à huit ans d emprisonnement pour avoir dénoncé des violations des droits humains dans son pays.

Uzbek Rights Activict Mutabar Tadjibayeva Receives French Human Rights Award

Prominent Uzbek human rights defender Mutabar Tadjibayeva was given a human rights award by the French government in Paris on December.

Tadjibayeva, a former political prisoner, told RFE/RL‘s Uzbek Service that French Human Rights Secretary Rama Yade presented the award to her at the ceremony.

Tadjibayeva, the leader of the “Fiery Hearts Club” of Uzbekistan, was detained in October 2005 after criticizing Uzbek officials for the violent police action in putting down a demonstration in the southern Uzbek city of Andijon in which hundreds of people were killed.

In May 2006, she was found guilty of several crimes and sentenced to eight years in prison. She was released earlier this year.

Prominent Uzbek Rights Defender Mutabar Tadjibayeva Visiting Berlin

Mutabar Tadjibayeva, a leading human rights defender from Uzbekistan, arrived in Berlin, where she will be available for interviews for the next two weeks, HRW reports. She was awarded the prestigious Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders in 2008, and will travel from Berlin to Switzerland for the ceremony.

EU eases Uzbek sanctions despite reporter’s jailing

Inga Sikorskaya/IWPR, Bishkek – Following a meeting of the EU’s General Affairs and External Relations Council on October 13, a statement was issued saying the EU “welcomes the progress achieved in Uzbekistan in the last year with regard to respect for the rule of law and protection of human rights”.

It cited as positive examples the release of human rights activist Mutabar Tadjibayeva from jail last year, legislative and judicial reforms, the abolition of the death penalty, and the ratification of conventions against child labour.

The prominent defender of human rights Mutabar Tadjibayeva was allowed to travel abroad

The Council also welcomed the progress that had been made in Uzbekistan during the last year, especially the fact that the prominent defender of human rights Mutabar Tadjibayeva was allowed to travel abroad, but also the reforms in the field of justice and human rights. Nevertheless, Uzbekistan has to reconcile to the ongoing arms embargo for another year. EU eases Uzbek sanctions despite reporter’s jailing

Newsletter European program 08/2008

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: «I’m not going to abandon human rights activities»

In order to jail this woman, a lot of people were needed: the police, the SNB (Slujba natsional’noy bezopasnosti – National Security Service, the successor of the Soviet KGB), representatives from the Presidential administration, prosecutors and judges. During the trial sessions the entire city of Dustabad was blockaded. She was accused for violating 18 articles of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan and sentenced to eight years imprisonment.

Analysis of the relations between Uzbekistan and the Western community

Certain progress in the relations between Uzbekistan and the West has been undeniable.

This assumption is confirmed by frequent visits US and EU senior officials pay to Tashkent, the announcements of increasing Western investments in the Uzbek processing industry, and general advancement in trade and economic relations. Some politicians remain optimistic about the prospects of these relations, their optimism based upon what they see as liberalization of Tashkent’s domestic policy. Others counsel caution and suggest waiting for President Islam Karimov to keep promises regarding human rights observance and putting an end to repressions.

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Richard Boucher knows now “where Uzbekistan is heading to”

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Richard Boucher spent several quite busy days in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.

Boucher met with President Islam Karimov, Foreign Minister Norov, and National Security Council Secretary Atayev. He visited Samarkand with its ancient monuments and talked to the student body and tutors of the Islamic University.

“Yes, I know better now where Uzbekistan is heading to,” Boucher said at the press conference on June 2.

The international community urges the EU not to ease sanctions against Uzbekistan

The international community appeals to EU countries to heed the lot of Gulbahor Turayeva and Umida Niyazova, human rights activists tried and sentenced to imprisonment in Uzbekistan. Here is the text of the appeal.