IHRF “Mutabar Tadjibayeva”: We support the position of Nigel Farage against Corruption!

Dear Mr. Nigel Farage,

Warmest greetings from  the team of women and founders of the International Human Rights Foundation “Mutabar Tadjibayeva”, one of the main activities of which is the fight against corruption and terrorism.


We highly appreciated your speech in the European Parliament delivered by you in November 2017. In it, you rightly criticized the activities of the Soros Foundation and their trusted organizations and shared this opinion that these structures are mired in corruption.

We fully share your position and positively agree with all arguments that you mentioned during your appeal to colleagues.

We also have compromising evidence and clear facts of the involvement of a number of high-ranking officers of the Soros Foundation and the Human Rights Watch Organisation and several other International Organizations and Funds in corruption. During our investigation, we collected extensive material and many documentary facts that are ready to share with you and hear your assessment and opinion.

To our deep regret and to the shame of  “Human Rights Watch”, they “checked” all our bold and clear  documents and facts for more than 6 months and in the end just simply ignored the facts and evidence we submitted for their consideration of corrupt activities in their organization, as well as the violation of the rights of women human rights activists fixed in the “Declarations on human rights defenders”

How could the head of the legal department of the famous international organization did not know that the investigation is conducted on the basis of documents and facts provided by us.

An objective, justice  and transparent investigation requires conducting conversations, personal meetings and examining the arguments of both sides in an open manner. Why did the lawyer of Human Rights Watch and the representatives of Dentons International Law Firm not hold a conversation with Tadjibayeva and more than thirty famous civil society activists declared as witnesses of corruption on the International Level?!

Instead of that, they’ve sent to the apartment where Tadjibayeva lives their’s  “secret agent”, who within 3 days was figuring out and reckoning the exact information about what kind of evidence Tadjibayeva has in her disposal , then he took a flash card with a copy of the documents that he had not been able to read throughout these 3 days and gone.

In personal conversations with Tadjibayeva and other activists, this “guest”, “confessed” that his “human rights activists friends had gone too far in their corruption crimes. On his return to his home, he himself sent a sound recording and a letter with the regrets to Tadjibayeva and a number of other activists. In these sound recordings and letters, he criticized the crimes of these “human rights activists “.

However, this did not stop him from starting publicly threatening Ms. Tadjibayeva with the publication of certain “compromising facts” against her. When, in response to this blackmail and threats, Tadjibayeva offered him an option to publish his “compromising evidence” as well as those facts of corruption that he received from her along with a flash card. As a result , he immediately “forgot” about his intentions and still hadn’t not published anything.

Shortly after his visit, Human Rights Watch and Dentos International Law Firm decided that “in the actions of their employee Steve Sverdlov, they found no violations of law, and Mutabar Tadjibayeva herself is to be blamed for everything” ….. A copy of their answer is enclosed in the attachment of this letter.

“At the same time, we regretfully have to note that you mentioned name of Mr. Steve Sverdlow in a sharp manner and made  unjustified accusations against him  to a number of people (criticising his involvements in corruption activities ). We also can not,  but express serious concern that you appear to have recorded conversations with other persons and without their consent publicized their personal data and personal correspondence materials. Such actions are contrary to the basic concepts of professional ethics and in a number of situations are illegal!”  stated among other things in their response…

HRW letter Tadjibayeva

In the video “I am a friend … You are a friend … we are a criminal circle … No. 3” we will prove that Mutabar Tajibayeva did not violate any law and the letter  of “Human Rights Watch” is a lie and slander!

After this mean and malfeasant response, all bridges are burned and we stoped our cooperation with them until the management of this sponsored by Soros organisation will  reviews the policy of “Human Rights Watch”.

Soros Foundation also, more than a year ago, began an audit and is still “analyzing” and “thoroughly checking” our evidence of corrupt fraud and money laundering of several unknown “human rights” organisations that Soros Foundation is sponsoring  and has not yet given us any answer.

Dear Mr Nigel Farage,

With this appeal to you,  we,  women activists, human rights activists, journalists, lawyers and other victims of organized crimes against humanity, announce the establishment of the International Human Rights Foundation Mutabar Tadjibayeva (hereinafter IHRF “Mutabar Tadjibayeva”) on combating organized crime against humanity on November 25.

This date was chosen not on random, we choose 25 of November since this day is associated with an important event, namely, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) (UN Resolution 54/134).

The founders of the IHRF “Mutabar Tadjibayeva” are women-activists of civil society, human rights activists, lawyers, journalists and representatives of other public organizations that were victims of political repression, torture and later became victims of organized criminal groups (OCG), which are guarded and sponsored by representatives of some International Human Rights Organizations and Funds with famous names and journalists of some International media.

Other founders of this Foundation are the International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club”, the “Initiative Group for a life without torture”, the “Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Migrants”, the Ukrainian branch of the International Human Rights Association “Fiery Hearts Club” operating in the territory of the CIS countries and some public organizations and a number of prominent activists living in the countries of the West who are members of the Coordination Council of Civil Society of Uzbekistan – “Alternative Uzbekistan”.

IHRF “Mutabar Tadjibayeva” will act by the Charter and Mission of the IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club”. The motto of the Foundation is the slogan of the IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club”, – “We will fight against any evil that meets in our society – WE ARE AWARE!”

The Foundation will continue to fight organized crimes against humanity such as,

REPRESSIVE REGIMES (political persecution, torture, unfair trials and arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, violations of press freedom rights);

AGAINST DRUGS (seized drugs are often resold by corrupt officials of law enforcement agencies);

AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS (sexual slavery, dens for prostitution, pimps and their “ROOFING”);


against CORRUPTION and money laundering;

“SUPPORTING” (support, financing, and propaganda) of these crimes and evil violates the peace and peaceful existence of society.

Mr. Nigel Farage,

The IHRF “Mutabar Tadjibayeva” supports your appeal and suggests that the EU authorities initiate large-scale inspections not only of the Soros Foundation, but also of a number of funds, organizations and media that support, finance and promote the activity of Organized Criminal Groups created by immigrants from the former USSR countries, namely the Uzbek Service Radio Liberty (Ozodlik) , to the Uzbek Radio Service of the BBC, Human Rights Watch organization and Freedom House.

More than ten years ago, the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights declared bankruptcy. President of this Federation Ulrich Fisher filed a request to the Economic Court in Vienna to recognize this most significant human rights organization bankrupt.

On November 27, 2007, Fisher sent a message to the staff and partners of the federation. The document notes that he was forced to file a request for the bankruptcy of the organization in court in Vienna and begin the procedure for recognizing the organization as insolvent. The International Helsinki Federation is registered in Austria and therefore obeys the Austrian laws. As follows from the message, this decision was made in the light of the severe financial crisis caused by economic crimes.

According to Fischer, the former financial manager of the IHF was sent to pre-trial detention after confessing to embezzling large sums of money for several years. Two other persons who are not members of the federation are under investigation, and a criminal case against them was initiated in early January 2008.

We are ready for cooperation.

We are sure that if in an objective, lawful and transparent financial investigations are carried out, and all our arguments are examined, following the results of inspections, these funds and organizations will repeat the fate of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights. We are ready for cooperation to eradicate corruption at the international level.

If corruption in funds and organizations of such a high international level is not exposed and stopped, then we will not be able to stop terrorism, radicalism and other evils disturbing the peace in the World Community. As we were established during our investigation that these funds and some International Organizations and the media not only supports, but also finances and propagates religious radicals, representing them as Democrats, and corrupt officials are presented as “human rights activists and fighters against corruption.” We have also established that these International Structures provide financial support to these criminal groups in their companies for defamation, slander, blackmail, discrediting a number of prominent civil society activists who openly declared their crimes and started fighting against them.

Our Fund, intends to address and declare its position on this issue with an official addressing this statement to the authorities of the United States, France, Turkey, Canada, Britain, the European Union, the OSCE, the UN, the BBC and Radio Liberty Corporation Management, to the Organizations Fighting Crimes Against Humanity, Repressive Regimes, Drug Trafficking, Trafficking in Persons, Terrorism and Corruption.

Founders of the International Human Rights Foundation «Mutabar Tadjibayeva» for Combating Organized Crimes Against Humanity, as well as other women civil society activists, human rights activists, lawyers, journalists and representatives of other public organizations who were victims of political repression, torture and victims of an organized criminal group ), covered and supported by the above mentioned International Organizations, Foundations and Mass Media, are ready to discuss these problems with all those who may concern , including our opponents, we are not afraid to stand face to face with those whom we openly accused of these crimes.

We are women, civil society activists do really hope to meet your understanding and support, as a fighter against Corruption and for the Law supremacy!

All information about our fund and its founders, as well as the history of all the victims of these criminal groups, you can find in the attachment to this letter.

With respect and warmest regards,

Mutabar Tadjibayeva – Human Rights Activist, writer, independent journalist, Head and Chairman of the Board of the IHRA “Fiery Hearts Club” – founder, President of the International Human Rights Foundation “Mutabar Tadjibayeva” (France);

Marina Pikulina – Coordinator for Central Asia of the International organization “1000 women for peace”  under the Nobel Committee. “Peace women across the Globe”, editor of the site http://east-expert.com/, Responsible for the external relations of the Foundation. (Israel)

Nazira Karshieva – is the founder and Head of the Ukrainian branch of the International Human Rights Organization “Fiery Hearts Club” operating in the territory of the CIS countries. Responsible for legal issues of the fund (Ukraine);

Makhliyo Akramova – founder International Human Rights Organisation “Fiery Hearts Club” – executive director of fund (France).

Unfortunately and to our deepest regret, we can not disclose the personal and contact details of the main percentage of the founders of the Fund due to unsafe status of their lives that are still in danger and they are not located in safe countries. Despite this fact, they are ready to share any information with you personally and under security guarantees.

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