Category Archives: FEATURED

REDRESS welcomes new international protocol to investigate sexual crimes; urges states to end impunity and afford reparation to victims

REDRESS welcomes the launch of a new International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict, a new tool in the fight against impunity that will be presented on Wednesday at a global summit in London.

The Protocol sets out best practice standards for documenting and investigating sexual violence in conflict zones. It is aimed at increasing the number of successful prosecutions by ensuring that the strongest possible evidence is collected and survivors receive proper support.

MEA Laureate Mutabar Tadjibayeva appeals to politicians not to sit next to Putin

On the eve of celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings, MEA Laureate 2008 Mutabar Tadjibayeva speaks out through her exile-based NGO “Fiery Hearts Club”.

She passionately appeals to Western politicians invited to the ceremony not to sit next to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the honor podium. The text is below is reproduced as is (it exists also in Russian):

We see the following solid arguments that have pushed us to make this appeal.

Årsrapport 2012 – Landinfo: Møte om Usbekistan, med den usbekiske menneskerettighetsaktivisten Mutabar Tadjibayeva

Årsrapport 2012 – Landinfo: Møte om Usbekistan, med den usbekiske menneskerettighetsaktivisten
Mutabar Tadjibayeva

No crime found in Tadjibayeva’s “attack” on Gulnara Karimova’s house in Geneva

The prosecutor’s office of the Geneva Canton found no grounds to initiate a criminal investigation against Mutabar Tadjibayeva, an Uzbek rights activist, and her colleagues, reports the website, the Tadjibayeva – led Fiery Hearts organization’s media arm.

The prosecutor’s office issued a statement in this regard addressed for Mr. Denis Makarov, an attaché at the permanent diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan at the UN HQ in Geneva. Mr. Makarov requested Geneva police to investigate said matter.

The prosecutor’s office underlines in the statement that there is no proof or evidence that the visitors “attempted to illegally penetrate into the house and infringe upon private space and property of diplomats.” Mr. Makarov’s complaint was therefore found ungrounded. The statement reads the complainant can appeal the decision within 10 days.

Background: On 2 Mar. 2013, Ms. Tadjibayeva, the Dutch journalist Michael Andersen, ex-UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, ex-Chairman of HRW in Uzbekistan Igor Vorontsov, and the journalist Andre Lorche went to the vicinities of the house of Gulnara Karimova, Uzbek President Islam Karimov’s elder daughter, which is located in the upscale district of Colony.

Mr. Denis Makarov, filed a complaint the next day, in which he accused Ms. Tadjibayeva and her friends of attempting to illegally breach the house perimeter and infringing upon private space and property of diplomats. Geneva law enforcing agencies questioned both Mr. Makarov and Ms. Tadjibayeva, and concluded no alleged crime was actually committed in said case.

Ms. Gulnara Karimova also accused Craig Murray and Mutabar Tadjibayeva of “planting strange objects” in her mailbox. According to Ms. Karimova’s blog entry, “an army of PR experts, lobbyists and provocateurs” is working against her.

Fergana international information agency.

USA: Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama to present the award of courage to Mutabar Tadjibayeva

On March 11, at the solemn ceremony in Washington DC the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton and first lady Michel Obama will present «International Women Courage» award to the representatives of eight countries: Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Guatemala, Iraq, Malaysia, Nigeria and Yemen.

“The State, it is I” or An unsuccessful bid to meet Gulnara Karimova

Ms. Mutabar Tadjibayeva, a renown human rights activist, the founder and the leader of the Fiery Hearts human rights center, arrived in Geneva from Paris, where she resides, to participate in the discussion of a documentary on the Andijan tragedy of 2005.

The airing of the documentary and its subsequent discussion were event-free. However, something strange happened afterwards.

La Côte: Mauvais roman au bout du Léman

GENEVE Une promenade du week-end vaut à une journaliste et militante des droits de l’homme ouzbèke une plainte de son propre gouvernement.

“Comment dit-on Cologny en russe?” La question surprend: “Et comment dit-on Tachkent, en français, Mutabar?” Mutabar Tadjibayeva rigole et précise le sens de sa question: “Je me demandais simplement si cela ne voulait pas dire kolonia?”

Mauvais roman au bout du Léman

La Côte – Mauvais roman au bout du Léman

GENÈVE. Une promenade du week-end vaut à une journaliste et militante


Massacre in Uzbekistan documentary on 2005 events aired and discussed in Geneva (video)

A documentary entitled The Massacre in Uzbekistan, which talks about the tragic events in Andijan, Uzbekistan, in May 2005, was aired and discussed on 1 Mar. 2013 in Geneva.

Uzbekistan : un silence complice / a complicit… по fifdhgeneve 

MEA Laureate files complaint against Uzbek government for forcible sterilisation and torture

Mutabar Tadjibayeva, one of Uzbekistan’s best known human rights defenders and Laureate of the Martin Ennals Award 2008, has filed a complaint against Uzbekistan for her brutal torture and forced sterilisation when she was serving an eight-year prison sentence for her human rights activities.

Nobel Prize nominee and human rights defender Mutabar Tadjibayeva files key complaint against Uzbek government for forcible sterilisation and torture

Mutabar Tadjibayeva, one of Uzbekistan’s best known human rights defenders, has filed an important complaint against Uzbekistan for her brutal torture and forced sterilisation when she was serving an eight-year prison sentence for her human rights activities in 2005-2008.

International human rights organisations FIDH and REDRESS recently filed the complaint on her behalf before the UN Human Rights Committee, one of the main UN bodies that monitor states’ compliance with their human rights obligations. This is the first known case before the Committee involving an Uzbek human rights defender being forcibly sterilised.