17.05.2013 кунлик архив

People with AIDS are persecuted in Karakalpakstan

In the beginning of the year, people sick with AIDS were forced to flee from several districts of Karakalpakstan, autonomous republic in Uzbekistan.

The efforts of the state funded medicine in treating of people sick with AIDS are clashing with mentality of the local population and outright indifference of the authorities.

– We are believed to be lepers, – says Gul Azhiniyazova, resident of the 23th neighborhood of Nukus city. – But I’m not to blame for this disease. My husband came from Kazakhstan and brought the infection into our home. I had a gynecological disease and passed the tests. That’s how I learned of the terrible sickness. Then they checked my husband. We were promised they would hide it in secret, but neighbors quickly learned about it. I had to go to neighboring Khorezm city. Now we are planning to move to Tashkent.