Category Archives: JARAYON

Bakhtiyor Khamraev: I am a person who never loses heart

Every year Front Line Defenders, human rights watchdog with headquarters in Dublin, presents the Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk to one person who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of human rights.

On 28 January 2013 the jury made up of members

Human Rights defender Bahtiyor Hamraev is among Finalists for the 2013 Front Line Award

Human rights defenders from Iran, Cambodia, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Colombia and Mauritania are Finalists for the 2013 Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk.

Every year Front Line Defenders presents the Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk to one person who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of human rights.

New details about 29 Uzbek refugees extradited to Uzbekistan by Kazakh authorities

With the help of ACAT – France, the human rights organization based in France, our editors have found new details about fates of 29 Uzbek refugees, who were extradited from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan in 2011.

In late January of this year human rights organization ACAT – France (Association of Christians Against the Death Penalty and Torture), based in Paris, has provided information to a number of international human rights organizations about statements of the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan that were sent to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on November 8 last year in relation to the decision of the UN Committee against Torture on extradition of 29 persons to Uzbekistan, adopted at the 48th session on June 1 2012.

Happy Birthday, “President” Karimov!

Student movement «Fiery Hearts» was established in January 2012 in order to unite young people who are not indifferent to the problems of human rights violations.

We organized our first protest on January 30, 2012 to recall the European society and its leaders all the human rights problems in Uzbekistan.

We chose this day also because it is the birthday of the countries leader Islam Karimov, who we believe is responsible for most of them.

Some of the 29 Uzbek refugees extradited from Kazakhstan are serving their sentences in Zhaslyk prison

“Jarayon” received a letter from the wife of one of the 29 Uzbek refugees extradited to Uzbekistan by Kazakh authorities, where she complains that they no one to protect their rights.

In should be noted in the beginning of the article that 29 Uzbek refugees (all men) were extradited from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan one and a half years ago. Before the extradition they lived in Almaty city together with their families. Most of them have minor children.

We demand to protect and not to extradite a refugee!

Tursunov Khairullo Turdievich, citizen of Uzbekistan, born on April 4, 1974 in Karshi, Kashkadarya region, who was under arrest since April 7, 2012 in the city of Aktobe in Kazakhstan, will soon be extradited to Uzbekistan on the decision of the Criminal Court of Aktobe region made on January 18.

The international human rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” closely observed, studied, and helped to organize the defense on the case of Khairullo Tursunov, and believes that his case is entirely fabricated, full of serious violations of the Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as conflicts with the international obligations of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is to extradite yet another Uzbek refugee to Tashkent

Aktobe regional court of Kazakhstan ruled to extradite asylum seekers Khairullo Tursunov back to Uzbekistan. According to his lawyer, a special convoy from Uzbekistan is expected to come to take him to Tashkent.

On January 18, 2013, Aktobe regional court held a hearing on the case Khairullo Tursunov, asylum seekers from Uzbekistan. Our sources in the country reported that the court was to be held on January 17.

Abdulaziz Makhmudov: Who is to blame? What to do?

Who is to blame? What to do? Many generations of Russian thinkers have been thinking over these questions – Chaadaev, Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky, Kropotkin and many others.

Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat, also pondered about it, and after all usurped the power in the Russian Empire. Stalin was aware of the dangerous revolutionary colors of these questions, hence, without hesitation, sent all curious people to Gulags…

To new 2013 year with new wishes and expectations!

Dear readers, fellow countrymen, supporters!

International human rights organization “Fiery Hearts Club” sincerely wishes you a happy new year and all the best in coming 2013!

The year 2012 was not different from the previous years for the Uzbek civil society in terms of human rights. Authoritarian regime in Uzbekistan continued to exist and strengthen. The government continued to violate the fundamental human rights, especially political rights of Uzbek citizen.

Mutabar Tadjibayeva: I believe that there will be a day, when Uzbekistan becomes a country free of torture

For 20 years, Uzbek women, along with men, have been struggling against the authoritarian dictatorship of Islam Karimov, long-serving president of Uzbekistan.

These women are politicians, journalists, human rights activists, and ordinary women, who care about their nation.

As a result of their active citizenship, many of them were thrown into prisons, colonies and basements of detention facilities, and interrogated under torture, abused and humiliated by the regime. However, due to corruption system in Uzbekistan, these perpetrators are not punished.